Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

wow, crazy.

Accidental black eye

Completely wiped out Hard Drive on the laptop

Bff's girlfriend losing it, apologizing, pretentiously telling me how to practice my religion which she's never heard of while giving me a Christmas present.

Bff losing it in a fit of jealousy over someone I'm not even dating

lost friend popping up and becoming my part time roommate

Thank god December is almost over!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A little of this, a little of that.....oh and Best Buy(again)

Faithful Readers, I have been behaving myself pretty well as of late. Nothing too out of control or crazy, mostly just beer and football on the weekends. Been keeping the week pretty free from my usual chaos. Concentrating on Christmas and trying to stay out of my head too much. Buddy of mine from a while back found himself in a tough spot and is now my temp roomie, which actually helps keep my head together for the most part. Finally got some closure from the whole Cameron debacle and whereas it made no sense to me at least it closed the door. Still kinda pissy that he was childish and snipey about it but hey, the door is closed and that's that. Talked to Tony and I think that after getting some things off my chest, I'd like to be his friend. A few people have popped up from my most recent past and I feel allot better about it. It's like having my family back. Because of this I am at peace with myself once again.

Funny story 'bout that. First time I go out in months, I got my dumbass roofied. Thankfully my friends were close by so as my cousin so succinctly put it "At least I didn't wake up with a foreign object in my ass!" Love it when my family looks on the bright side. Second time I go out a week later, my buddy up and disappears so the rest of us decide to jet back here and have some drinks. As I'm walking out the door, my heel catches on the uneven pavement. I overcompensated and busted both my knee's. One is just bruised, the other looks like someone took a bat to it. Now anyone that knows me, knows that falling for me is a natural occurrence. Gravity and I are not friends, EVER! However, and this is the odd thing about that particular phenomenon in my Universe. If you put me in flat shoes and/or sneakers I am guaranteed to fall flat on my ass but anything higher than a 3 inch heel and I will not fall once!! And but of course as always happens when I take an EPIC fucking spill, there's a group standing there and now they all think I'm sloppy ass drunk and the snarky comments start. Nope I was humiliatingly sober, friends. Why can't I ever just fall when no one is looking????? Worst luck.

Best Buy. Oh yeah, freaking Best Buy (see past blog for an explanation of my hatred for this particular chain). Somehow the hinge in the back of my laptop popped out of place and the LCD screen took a direct hit to the keyboard. Nice size crack in the screen that completely jacked the display. There was not a snowball's chance in Hell I was stepping foot back into the Best Buy in Clay again, no FUCKING way!!! I originally bought it a t the one in Carousel Center, so I rang them up and they informed that at the time of my purchase I was intelligent enough to buy the year accident insurance (actually I think Tony was the one that insisted I buy that) so it was covered bring it on in and they'd ship it off and get her fixed. The poor Best Buy lady accidentally made the mistake of mentioning that they offer a package to back up my files, blah fuckin' blah. I lost it. I had to go through the whole damn story about how they lost all my files the last time I took their little back up scam AND how they overcharged me and how I never received a refund for their screw up AND how it's taken me this long (almost a year) to fix their mistakes. I then proceeded to remind her that the display is what is broken and there is not one reason that they would need to access ANY of my files, point in fact all they would need to even remotely do is go into the control panel and recalibrate the damn display settings. As of this morning their website said it was fixed and ready to be shipped. Now if they redeem themselves in my eyes by giving me back my laptop and everything is fine, I will write a glowing review for them. You don't want to know what I will do if it's returned to me incomplete. The 7 levels of Hell will cringe at the fury and brimstone I will reign down upon them. I'm hopeful yet and keeping my fingers crossed.

Anyone else see that story about our super cool Drone going down in Iran? I like how the Iranians are swearing they shot it down but all the pictures of it, the damn thing looks perfect. I got my 7 chuckles out of this story for that reason and because during the press conference held by Obama with the PM of Iraq the other day a reporter asked about the situation and the President kinda shrugged and said "Well, we asked if we could have it back!" LMFAO!!! The look on his face was like a 5 year old that just got his hot wheels car taken from him by a bully on the playground. Too damn funny!!

Well that's it for my Universe, except to remind you that my Bex Punctacular Christmas Party is this Saturday at 7, it'll be very ChrismaPunk!!

Till Next Time Faithful Readers!!