Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer time

Memorial Day Weekend is always the beginning of my Summer. It starts with an unending BBQ on Friday and Saturday then Sunday is the big KROCK DFB concert. I will be spending my Summer as I usually do, cooking out with friends and heading out to all the local concerts that I can. I always do what I can to support my local music scene but I put forth double the effort during the Summer months because I hate being inside when it's nice :)

Summer to me is a time to be free. Suntans, good music, great friends, cooking out, heading to the beach, ice cold beer, lots of laughs and making awesome memories.

This is going to be a damn fine Summer Faithful Readers,
Till next time,

Friday, May 4, 2012

Bears, Self Esteem and misc thoughts

I am completely bummed! By now you've all seen the image of the bear falling out of the tree after being tranqu'ed (yes I made that word up) to hell and back, in Colorado. According to Gawker poor falling bear has passed away after finding his way back to the highway and being hit by not one but 2 cars. Poor Falling Bear, your skills at tumbling out of a tree unconscious will be missed in the viral internet world. I don't know why the picture of the poor bear falling out of the tree makes me giggle wait, yes I do. Because at one point or another everyone on the planet has fallen like that at some point. Whether it be drunk, messed up or just gravity checking your sorry ass, everyone has tumbled off something looking just like that drugged bear! You don't have to admit it but I know that your reading this, nodding your head and remembering that fall, LOL. Hey Faithful Reader's it's all good, I trip over air so your fall was probably more dignified and deserving of applause than my goofy inability to stand on 2 feet for more than 5 minutes! So farewell Brave, Falling Bear! May Bear eternity treat you well!!!

Faithful Readers I'd like to think that we know each other pretty well and that while not always agreeing with my outspoken, militant opinions on certain subjects, we agree to disagree and respect each others thoughts. We've talked many times on the subject of self esteem. I guess, once again, I am just trying to wrap my mind around people that base their self worth on someone else's opinions and/or ideas. Yes everyone cares what other people think of them to some degree but I'm talking about those types of people that have to constantly show a false facade to the world in order to impress perfect strangers or people they barely know. What is the deal with that behavior??? I don't get it. I'm a pretty blessed person, I have my insecurities as does everyone but I also have a strong personality with a healthy self esteem. I'm Bex, no more, no less. I live by my own codes of conduct based on friendship, honor and loyalty. Like all humans I am fallible and sometimes fall off my path much like the Bear fell out of that sorry ass tree (exactly like the Bear) but I find my path again, always. I apologize to those that I hurt and move on with my life. Guess I'll never understand or at least I hope I don't :)

I've been keeping up on my Urban and Cemetery explorations. I've gotten some really good pictures!! Getting better at handling my camera, lol, it's pretty easy once you read the destructions!!! Thankfully I've found a pretty cool partner to wander with me that doesn't mind me doing my thing while rambling incoherently about secret society symbolism! And on that note Faithful Readers, Bex is outta here to go crawl through the woods to find cool stuff to explore!!!

Till Next Time,


Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Fixing" Gay and using God

This story came across my path and I have to say it really infuriated me. A Pastor in N.C. had a sermon that was video taped and it went viral because his entire sermon was basically a gay bashing tirade. Pastor Harris told his congregation that if their daughters started acting too "Butch" to force them to dress like a girl, walk like a girl, smell like a girl etc. He told fathers that if they saw their sons' wrists getting limp to smack that wrist, man up and give the boy a good punch.

Let's begin MY tirade with this: Last time I checked Christianity preached that God was a loving God. There was no love being preached in Harris' sermon. How can you call yourself a Christian and be so damn hateful? Last time I checked God does the judging of his flock. I sure as hell don't remember a passage in the bible about giving clergy that right. In fact doesn't Commandment 9 state that you shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor? Pastor Harris is with out a doubt bearing false witness based not upon his religion but based instead by his own prejudices.

I can not fucking abide some ignorant jackass using religion to preach hate and prejudice.

Pastor Harris instead of trying to "fix gay" I think we should concentrate on fixing the epidemic of ignorance that people like you propagate. I want to see Christians like you, Pastor Harris, "fix" stupid because to me that would be the answer to allot of the world's problems. By fixing stupid of this magnitude we will eliminate religious groups that preach hatred and wipe prejudice right off the map! The World would be a shiny, judgement free, acceptance heavy, war free, happy little place!

Seriously. In this age of technology and scientific study why are there still people that deny the science and try to "Fix" genetics?? Doesn't anyone see how dangerous this is? Doesn't anyone remember the Nazi's?? They were hell bent on "fixing" the human race too, look at the scary shit they did!

And why, exactly should it be necessary to "fix" someone just because they aren't like you? Because let's be honest, that's what it's really all about. These nutty ass people can hide behind religion, call themselves fundamentalists or conservatives but it isn't family values that they want to fix, they just want everyone to conform and fit into neat little descriptions. No differences, no individuality, everybody the same.

I personally find that offensive. I don't want to live in a world without diversity, what a boring place that would be!

Besides, if you "fix" gay who in the world will compliment my gigantic, flashy, sparkly rings!?!?

Till next time,