Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Saturday, June 22, 2013

I don't think that I like the internet much

Once again I find myself at the hurry up and wait phase which of course will be followed by the whirlwind of activity. Happens every time, I sit here bored to death and then *poof* magic plans fall from the sky and I have to hurry. I quite literally have 3 speeds in my life, 1) waiting 2) going faster than the speed of light 3) asleep.

My summer vacation has officially begun seeing as how I got paroled from being a parent for the next 4 days! Really hoping it's not one of those mini-vaca's that end up with me sitting here watching everything in the Netflix queue!

As I was sitting here in my hold pattern, perfectly makeup'd and waiting for clearance to head out, I was of course trolling Facebook and Twitter. I realized that as much as I am addicted to the internet, I don't necessarily like it very much at all. As extroverted as I am I find that I don't like constant contact with people in general. I prefer my own quiet, sheltered little World where I can wear pajama's and not talk if I don't want to. Yes, there are times when my walls close in on me and I decide to venture out into reality and crave actual human contact but that usually only lasts a day or two.

With social media there are 2 pitfalls for a person such as Bex. When I left my home state of New York in 1992 I didn't keep in touch, didn't tell anyone I left, I just ghosted. Even when I came back, I didn't tell anyone I was here for quite some time. And then I ghosted again. Social media gave me the chance to reconnect with some truly awesome people that I had stupidly let fade out of my life. However, for every 3 cool people you get to connect with there is that 1 person, that 1 damn person! The person that you hated 20 years ago and lo and behold, that person found you AND is still a massive ASSHOLE. You'd think that in 20 years the asshole would learn they are in fact an asshole and fucking change, right? No, they've become a bigger asshole. And that asshole is now following you on Twitter and you have a million friends in common on Facebook and that fucktard is commenting on all your tagged posts and tweets. Dude, I don't want you invading my world, go away!!!

The 2nd pitfall is the over sharer. They're on a social media site posting every step they take, clogging up your stream so that now you can't find that damn post about the upcoming free concert in 3 hours but you can see 18,000 pictures of your friends kid that progresses like a cyber flip book chronicling that kids day from breakfast to lunch AND you can find the 3 recipes that person used for all 3 daily meals! Oh yipee!! Without fail that same over sharer will tag, like or comment on everything you post even if there is no relevancy to them in the whole Universe! Don't like my post "Cut sling load, pop smoke and head down range, hero!" because you don't even know what the fuck it means!?!?! Why would you like that, why would you comment on it, it wasn't meant for you although it is the route I'm going to take to avoid you.

I lied, there are 4 pitfalls of the internet.

Google. Damn your awesome knowledge Google!! I Google everything and anything, I am addicted to Google. I love Google. I will believe anything Google tells me because it's Google. Not so long ago I got a bladder infection, happens to me all the time no big deal. I always have antibiotics on hand but that first day is just hell as anyone that gets chronic bladder infections will tell you. I got the brilliant idea to Google home remedies for bladder infections. Being the responsible researcher that I am, I of course looked at all the pages that popped up with answers. Resoundingly they all gave the same answer, teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water, drink. Evidently the cure for a bladder infection is the same as how to become bulimic because after taking this little home remedy your body will absorb no food at all. However you will lose 10 pounds in a day! And your bladder still hurts. Google broke my heart that day, it led me down a false road. Damn you, Google!!

Stupid internet deals. I'm a fairly intelligent person but if you throw a shiny ad about a new skin care line at me, I will snatch it up. I got duped so badly by Hydroxatone! It's supposed to be a month's free supply and then if you keep it, they charge you. No, they charge you a week after you receive the package!! $140!! Then you have to jump through 19 hoops and talk to the whole population of Indian Call Centers to get a return label! Then, it's a month before you get credited again. Oh and by the way, Hydroxatone SUCKS!! Made my skin look ten years older except for the acne I suddenly developed using this horrible shit.

That's my rant for today, Faithful Readers. Till Next Time.....


Friday, June 21, 2013

Where's this technology?

To begin with, last night ROCKED! Had a great time at Sharkey's with some good friends and made new ones! Today however, could end at any time and I would be most thankful! I have a hangover, I'm out of smokes and going through nicotine withdrawl, this is not a pleasant feeling. I was awake entirely too early this morning so I've had allot of time to notice some really annoying things.

We can put people in Space, on the internet you can be talking to some old friend from high school and chat with some stranger in Patagonia, with cell phones you can call anyone, anytime, anywhere, technology is amazing! We live in astonishing times, Faithful Readers! Now with that being said, I have some questions....

With all this technology and all these amazing feats of engineering, why can't we have plastic wrap that actually works like it's supposed to? Why is it so hard to make plastic wrap that sticks to something besides itself?

Why can't a brand new roll of toilet paper be easier to unroll? Why does it have to tear into the other layers when you try to pull it apart so that you end up with a handful of shredded toilet paper? Is there no adhesive on planet Earth that can be used???

NASA has created batteries that will last for a century so what is the valid reason that my cell phone won't last me through a single freaking day?

Why do we need commercials for things we absolutely use and need every day? Is there a person not using dish soap, shampoo, toilet paper, toothpaste? Do we need to inform people that these necessity's exist??

If all of these anti-aging creams and washes work, why isn't everyone walking around looking like they're 17 years old?

Where is this technology? Why can't we work on this? Screw flying cars and food replicator's and lightsabers I want plastic wrap that sticks to the freaking bowl!!

Till Next Time, Faithful Readers,


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Time to kill and Sarah Palin (Again)

So I'm fixin' to head out for the evening as is Thursday tradition, but my makeup and outfit took less time than I ever thought possible so there's time to kill. I feel this need to look FABULOUS tonight as I ran into Maverick and the girl he cheated on me with and yes, it hurt. I have set out on a mission to be the center of everyone's attention tonight and as per Bex S.O.P, I will succeed :)

Couple of things caught my attention this past week. One of which is Sarah Palin.

Ah, Miss Palin, how I have missed you!! Now usually that would be followed by a 4 paragraph rant about the Evil Queen Of Republicans, I hate to disappoint but this one time, Sarah Palin melted my cold, black, little heart! Follow the below link, scroll down to the first video and start it at about 5:30 and just sit back!!!


I laughed for about 15 minutes at her speech and agreed with every word! I know, Faithful Readers, I know, I expected to slam on her too! Hopefully this isn't the sign of impending doom, LOL!!

Since the end of my relationship with Maverick, I've attempted to work my way past all the crappy feelings and move on. Even I couldn't predict how poorly this was going to work out! Since re-entering the single pool after quite awhile, I have discovered that I despise it and am sincerely no good at it. For fuck's sake, I'm better at welding than being single!!!! And FYI, I suck rancid monkey balls at welding!!!

Truly, this sucks. I have to be the only woman on the planet that can NOT pull down a one night stand, can NOT get bought a drink and absolutely can NOT pick anyone half way freaking normal, up. The one guy I got interested in was older and kept telling me he was looking for a "Good girl to settle down with" and then ended it when I didn't fuck him on the 3rd date! Uuummmm, you can't say one thing and expect me to understand that you meant the opposite! You said you wanted a "Good Girl" so that's what I ran with!! How do you expect me to figure this cheap, silly, little game out?? Now mind you at Taste Of Syracuse it came out that he in fact WAS in a relationship and hadn't ended it, a fact that was only uncovered when we ran into her! I walked away, LOL. The 1 guy I got ahold of was drop dead sexy as hell and come to find out, holding down 2 families between here and Chicago! WTF???

Reader's these are just the most recent 2. I won't go into detail but suffice to say that the ones before were worse! Way, way, way, worse!

It is completely impossible to see whose running a game, whose honest, who just wants to fuck and who wants a relationship. I wasn't this confused in AP Physics!

I have completely given up. I tried, I failed, oh well. Now I'm at the mind set of whatever comes along, comes along but fuck that effort shit, It AIN'T worth it!!! Love me, hate me, wanna fuck me, I don't care.

Meanwhile, my efforts to become a full blown alcoholic by Summer's end is coming along quite nicely :)

Time to go touch up and head out!! Till Next Time, Faithful Readers!

BEX the forever single, party girl in your heart <3