To me music goes hand in hand with breathing. I don't have a single memory that I can't name the tune that was playing at the time or the song I associate it with. I even have a specific tune for each of my friends that plays in my mind when I'm speaking to them. I don't go anywhere without my iPod and iHome and headphones. There isn't a moment that I'm not listening to tunes or it's not playing in the background. I spend a significant amount of time acquiring music and finding new bands to listen to and forwarding to different people with appreciation. And when I say I listen to everything, I literally mean everything. Classical, Jazz, Big Band Swing, Oldies, Classic Rock, Acid Rock, Death Metal, Thrash, Hair Bands, New Wave, 80's, Punk, Rock, Alternative, Emo, Electro, Rap, Dance, Pop. You get the point.
I've noticed that some music needs certain things. Some tunes need air to breathe, some need tears and some just need out loud laughter or a smile from a faded memory. Some tunes need friends around while others need solitude. Some music requires you to dance waving one hand free in the air while some requires some serious air guitar maybe even an air drum solo. It sometimes amazes me how much of my life is centered around music and it stuns me when I come across people that can live without music. Once you've heard any type of music how could it not become an integral part of your existence? How can it not rule your very spirit or soul? How can tunes not move you to tears then laughter in a few notes? Singers that pierce your heart with their tenor, lyrics that make you feel as if they were meant for your experience.
And there is nothing like going to a show!! Concerts are my passion. Sharing the music live with the musicians is soul altering for me. I don't care if there's 20 or 20,000 people there watching the show, it's always just me and the band and they are playing just for me. Even if you hear that a band is a disappointment live, I don't care. Seeing them live will always change me for the better. And some bands I've noticed sound better in a different environment, Type O Negative and Gwar kick ass and wreck your being in a club like the Lost Horizon but don't sound the same in a stadium. Some bands sound horrible in a smaller place but kill ya in a stadium. Just depends on the tunes and the band and the genre of music. Jazz should never be listened to in any place but a seedy cellar club filled with smoke and the smell of cheap scotch, lol.
I encourage everyone in the Universe to these two experiments. 1) Try different music! Step outside your comfort zone and try some new sounds. Hit me up for something and I'll find you some juicy tunes! 2) Just one day, keep the iPod on continous shuffle, CD's and Records spinning, Tapes playing, Radio blaring! Fill your world with music for just one 24 hour period! I want to hear the results of your musical endeavors! Tell me how it makes you feel.
There are few things in this world that have the power to control me enough to calm me down, soothe me to my very core. Music and writing are my heroin. Till next time faithful readers.......
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