Been watching things happen around me both here and in my world. And listening to allot of Social Distortion.
Trouble abounds in our lives, some worse than others. Some troubles more dramatic than others and some more subtle, some very personal and others not personal enough. However your troubles present themselves it can be overwhelming. It can feel like the worlds walls are closing in on you and more often than naught you find that you stand alone. The people that would stand beside you having abandoned the post that you trusted them to hold, sometimes our judgement clouded by misplaced love and trust. Sometimes we see what we want to see. And that misjudgement can cost us dearly.
However, we prevail because it's what we do. This is what we do, we face the trouble, we stand up to it, own it and then we beat it. We walk away with our head held high and never look back. It's the story of our life (thx social d). Our actions have brought us here and our actions will carry us forward past the bullshit that we are mired in currently. Life is but a circle, for every ending comes a beginning it's up to you to decide if you want to look toward a new beginning or dwell on the ending.
And make no mistake, it is all bullshit. You still wake up tomorrow breathing and living despite other's best efforts to drag you down with their projected crap. It's easy to say "aaww their just jealous" but the truth is they are just jealous. Anyone that tries to sling bullshit in your life, IS just jealous. You have something they covet, you are what they want to be. It is really all that simple. People will destroy what they want the most because it's easier than having to fix themselves. And I honestly do feel sorry for them.
These people will find themselves alone and worse, they will find themselves surrounded by no one real but only the fakes they were busy surrounding themselves with, lonely with none but themselves to blame. Now that is hell. No one to share the adventure with you, no one to trust, no one to believe in you, no one to share your burden with you, no one to open up to, no one to feel anything for you honestly. No family, no real friends, no love and no hope.
So the next time some jackass tries to bring you down with bullshit, remember this: To us it is just dramatic bullshit and it will go away, to them it's their life!
Keep your head high, you'll get past it because it's what we do.
Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!
This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!
Monday, May 23, 2011
100th Blog!!!!
No pressure, just my 100th blog on this site. Damn now I have to be uber witty, clever and funny! 100 blogs on Blogspot, Wow. Doesn't seem like much to most but to me it's pretty awesome. I usually check my stats on the page even if I'm not writing and it always makes me a bit humble to see that even if I haven't posted, your still checking in frequently and rereading past posts. Thanks Faithful Readers, I appreciate your interest in the strange little workings of my brain. Despite what some think, I appreciate your opposition as much as I appreciate your positive feedback. Without you, Faithful Readers I am but a writer without an audience. Lost and floating along the cyberverse.
Ok enough of the mushy let us proceed to more interesting topics.
I know that you expected me to chime in with my two cents as soon as Obama held his Middle East speech the other day however, I was too annoyed by him to even remotely be able to formulate a coherent opinion that wasn't laced with strings of expletives. I've come to the conclusion that there has to be a reason why he keeps saying things that make me shake my head in boggled confusion, here are my theories: 1)He is either playing off of the misconception that no one in the United States is intelligent enough to follow current events. 2) He really does believe our population is that stupid. 3) Obama's speech writer is a satirist and because Obama speaks so deadpan that no one can decipher the sarcasm. Just a couple theories as to why this dude keeps addressing us like we are paint eating idiots.
I had to laugh at an article I saw that said the White House will no longer use fake backdrops during speeches. About time they admitted something fake coming out of the White House let alone ceased it.
Back to Obama. Obama stated that it was necessary for the United States to become involved when Libyans began protesting and rebelling because thousands of innocents would be killed and we as a Nation couldn't stand by while that happened. Okay but there was one small group of less than 200 that were the original antagonists and it was centered in one small town. Now I've searched and searched but can't find an exact number but as near as I can find, since our involvement in this charade damn near 2 thousand have died. That's just adding up from the various articles that I could find. So instead of a leader quelling a rebellion of a couple hundred people instead the World's biggest Super Powers involve themselves and now we have not only thousands dead but we also are responsible for brutally murdering said leaders Son and grandchildren. I think Obama should be held accountable for this for the simple reason that we act as the police force of the world and when we do something bloody and brutal we should have to face the same consequences that we enforce on everyone else.
My question is this: What makes it genocide when our enemies do it and a necessary spread of Democracy when the United States does it?
I don't know about you but I do not always agree with my friends, they don't always agree with me. That doesn't mean that we are not friends, we don't end our friendships because we have opposing views. Hell half my friends are tree hugging, liberal Dems! Obama kept repeating that our Nation's friendships would depend on their willingness to go along with our policy's. Wow now we are just plain being a bunch of bullies and I got news for you, bully's don't have friends. That's a great way to further ostracize us from the World, Good job dude!!
And no offense but Obama wants Israel to redraw it's lines according to the 1967 treaty therefor limiting it to a Country the size of Rhode Island. I just really want to hear their leader bust out with "Yeah...No...Fuck You" meanwhile with our involvement in the Middle East we are currently redrawing the lines to create our new Countries. Don't sugar coat it. Don't act like it isn't happening right in front of your fucking faces people. Under the guise of spreading Democracy we are successfully taking over Egypt, Libya, Syria and Yemen. It doesn't matter that these countries have been holding elections and are formed Republics for decades. We wanted them and we are in the middle of taking them because then we can split them up between the E.U. and control the World's oil and no longer have to worry about opposition. This has nothing to do with Human Rights or Democracy. If it did why didn't we care 10 years ago, 20 years ago?? Because now it's convenient.
Okay, one more point and then we are moving on. Obama said about the protesters in other Nation's that America would continue to listen to the voices of law abiding citizen's in other Countries protesting. Call me silly but these aren't law abiding citizen's if their assaulting the Country's police forces. If they mount an assault on their own people, how is that law abiding? Will Obama listen to what I have to say if I go loot a store and say I did it because I feel oppressed by my government? No.
So Trump isn't running which so far leaves me with Palin or Gingritch. OUCH! This is going to be a long Presidential campaign.
Arnold got busted for having a love child with the housekeeper 10 years ago. GOD DAMN!!! I give Arnie some serious credit. Not only did he keep a secret for 10 YEARS!! But he kept a whole kid and baby momma secret for 10 YEARS!! Most baby momma's go all Maury Povitch with in the first year!! Arnie has some serious control happening in his life!!!
Brittany Spears in a lip syncing mess? Oh dear god say it isn't so, oh the humanity! Really, seriously? Honestly this is headline news??? Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Well as you can see Faithful Readers, the Rapture did not happen on Saturday. Considering that particular Pastor has already flubbed the end of times once I'm hard pressed to figure out why any one would've listened to him a second time, let alone that sap that gave up his life saving's to advertise the event that didn't happen.
Funny stuff happening in my life? It's always either amusing like hahahaha or stupid amusing like wow your a moron but I'll sit and laugh at you so that I don't slap the stupid out of your ass. Kind of a coin toss as to which. But hey that's life. I will admit that I miss when my area was my own and being that it was just me, there was never any kind of goofy ass drama or discomfort in my little world. It's all good, it amused me slightly at some point and will eventually go back to my world again. Despite popular misconception I can be very scarily patient. And once I've distanced myself it's even easier to sit by and wait. Eh, is what it is.
Well Faithful Readers, I'm off to expend some of this coffee energy that I've accumulated after 3 cups. Till Next Time,
Btw, Thanks for reading 99 other pages of my mindless dribble!!!!
Ok enough of the mushy let us proceed to more interesting topics.
I know that you expected me to chime in with my two cents as soon as Obama held his Middle East speech the other day however, I was too annoyed by him to even remotely be able to formulate a coherent opinion that wasn't laced with strings of expletives. I've come to the conclusion that there has to be a reason why he keeps saying things that make me shake my head in boggled confusion, here are my theories: 1)He is either playing off of the misconception that no one in the United States is intelligent enough to follow current events. 2) He really does believe our population is that stupid. 3) Obama's speech writer is a satirist and because Obama speaks so deadpan that no one can decipher the sarcasm. Just a couple theories as to why this dude keeps addressing us like we are paint eating idiots.
I had to laugh at an article I saw that said the White House will no longer use fake backdrops during speeches. About time they admitted something fake coming out of the White House let alone ceased it.
Back to Obama. Obama stated that it was necessary for the United States to become involved when Libyans began protesting and rebelling because thousands of innocents would be killed and we as a Nation couldn't stand by while that happened. Okay but there was one small group of less than 200 that were the original antagonists and it was centered in one small town. Now I've searched and searched but can't find an exact number but as near as I can find, since our involvement in this charade damn near 2 thousand have died. That's just adding up from the various articles that I could find. So instead of a leader quelling a rebellion of a couple hundred people instead the World's biggest Super Powers involve themselves and now we have not only thousands dead but we also are responsible for brutally murdering said leaders Son and grandchildren. I think Obama should be held accountable for this for the simple reason that we act as the police force of the world and when we do something bloody and brutal we should have to face the same consequences that we enforce on everyone else.
My question is this: What makes it genocide when our enemies do it and a necessary spread of Democracy when the United States does it?
I don't know about you but I do not always agree with my friends, they don't always agree with me. That doesn't mean that we are not friends, we don't end our friendships because we have opposing views. Hell half my friends are tree hugging, liberal Dems! Obama kept repeating that our Nation's friendships would depend on their willingness to go along with our policy's. Wow now we are just plain being a bunch of bullies and I got news for you, bully's don't have friends. That's a great way to further ostracize us from the World, Good job dude!!
And no offense but Obama wants Israel to redraw it's lines according to the 1967 treaty therefor limiting it to a Country the size of Rhode Island. I just really want to hear their leader bust out with "Yeah...No...Fuck You" meanwhile with our involvement in the Middle East we are currently redrawing the lines to create our new Countries. Don't sugar coat it. Don't act like it isn't happening right in front of your fucking faces people. Under the guise of spreading Democracy we are successfully taking over Egypt, Libya, Syria and Yemen. It doesn't matter that these countries have been holding elections and are formed Republics for decades. We wanted them and we are in the middle of taking them because then we can split them up between the E.U. and control the World's oil and no longer have to worry about opposition. This has nothing to do with Human Rights or Democracy. If it did why didn't we care 10 years ago, 20 years ago?? Because now it's convenient.
Okay, one more point and then we are moving on. Obama said about the protesters in other Nation's that America would continue to listen to the voices of law abiding citizen's in other Countries protesting. Call me silly but these aren't law abiding citizen's if their assaulting the Country's police forces. If they mount an assault on their own people, how is that law abiding? Will Obama listen to what I have to say if I go loot a store and say I did it because I feel oppressed by my government? No.
So Trump isn't running which so far leaves me with Palin or Gingritch. OUCH! This is going to be a long Presidential campaign.
Arnold got busted for having a love child with the housekeeper 10 years ago. GOD DAMN!!! I give Arnie some serious credit. Not only did he keep a secret for 10 YEARS!! But he kept a whole kid and baby momma secret for 10 YEARS!! Most baby momma's go all Maury Povitch with in the first year!! Arnie has some serious control happening in his life!!!
Brittany Spears in a lip syncing mess? Oh dear god say it isn't so, oh the humanity! Really, seriously? Honestly this is headline news??? Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Well as you can see Faithful Readers, the Rapture did not happen on Saturday. Considering that particular Pastor has already flubbed the end of times once I'm hard pressed to figure out why any one would've listened to him a second time, let alone that sap that gave up his life saving's to advertise the event that didn't happen.
Funny stuff happening in my life? It's always either amusing like hahahaha or stupid amusing like wow your a moron but I'll sit and laugh at you so that I don't slap the stupid out of your ass. Kind of a coin toss as to which. But hey that's life. I will admit that I miss when my area was my own and being that it was just me, there was never any kind of goofy ass drama or discomfort in my little world. It's all good, it amused me slightly at some point and will eventually go back to my world again. Despite popular misconception I can be very scarily patient. And once I've distanced myself it's even easier to sit by and wait. Eh, is what it is.
Well Faithful Readers, I'm off to expend some of this coffee energy that I've accumulated after 3 cups. Till Next Time,
Btw, Thanks for reading 99 other pages of my mindless dribble!!!!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Just when I have an abundance of things to get off my mind, doesn't the damn blog site crash!!
"What is real to me is not always real to you but do not negate it instead try to understand it and embrace the differences between us." Bex
Wrote that on Facebook yesterday. Mostly because it annoy's me that my boyfriend and I are so insanely different when it comes to how we react to things. He's the rational one where as I am the emotional one. I think it's important to at least attempt to see it from each others point of view. Even though it's not in your nature to see things from an emotional or a rational perspective you have to at least attempt to understand the other point of view or else your just constantly negating how the other person feels. I understand his point of view as far as yes I am an emotionally sensitive person, I tend to overreact. But in the same turn if you know that I'm over sensitive and tend to overreact, common sense would dictate that you attempt to not do/say things that are going to hurt me.
Look, you'd be pissed if you bought a box of 64 crayons and opened them up to find that they are all the same color, right? Or if you bought a big bag of Skittles only to find it's all the same flavor. It's the same concept with people, we are all different, we see things differently, react to things differently and experience things differently. If we were all the same than life would be pretty bland. So just as you expect to open those crayons and skittles to find an assortment so should expect to open relationships to find an assortment. An assortment of different perspectives. None of them right or wrong, just different than yours. My way of looking at it is this; I don't want you to agree with me all the time, I don't want us to have every little thing in common because honestly there are times when I don't like me so you shouldn't like me all the time either, lol. However don't negate how I feel about things because that just makes me angry and hostile. Don't belittle how I feel instead just try to see things as I see them. If I'm considerate enough to do things for you than return that consideration in kind. In other words stop thinking one sided.
Now do I believe that any of this will make a difference in my situation? No. I don't see there being any kind of effort made. But hey sometimes even I get surprised, so ya never know.
No Faithful Readers, this one is for you. Take these thoughts away with you and I hope this serves you well in your relationships. Love to all of you out there in the Universe!
Till Next Time Faithful Readers,
All my unrequited love to you,
"What is real to me is not always real to you but do not negate it instead try to understand it and embrace the differences between us." Bex
Wrote that on Facebook yesterday. Mostly because it annoy's me that my boyfriend and I are so insanely different when it comes to how we react to things. He's the rational one where as I am the emotional one. I think it's important to at least attempt to see it from each others point of view. Even though it's not in your nature to see things from an emotional or a rational perspective you have to at least attempt to understand the other point of view or else your just constantly negating how the other person feels. I understand his point of view as far as yes I am an emotionally sensitive person, I tend to overreact. But in the same turn if you know that I'm over sensitive and tend to overreact, common sense would dictate that you attempt to not do/say things that are going to hurt me.
Look, you'd be pissed if you bought a box of 64 crayons and opened them up to find that they are all the same color, right? Or if you bought a big bag of Skittles only to find it's all the same flavor. It's the same concept with people, we are all different, we see things differently, react to things differently and experience things differently. If we were all the same than life would be pretty bland. So just as you expect to open those crayons and skittles to find an assortment so should expect to open relationships to find an assortment. An assortment of different perspectives. None of them right or wrong, just different than yours. My way of looking at it is this; I don't want you to agree with me all the time, I don't want us to have every little thing in common because honestly there are times when I don't like me so you shouldn't like me all the time either, lol. However don't negate how I feel about things because that just makes me angry and hostile. Don't belittle how I feel instead just try to see things as I see them. If I'm considerate enough to do things for you than return that consideration in kind. In other words stop thinking one sided.
Now do I believe that any of this will make a difference in my situation? No. I don't see there being any kind of effort made. But hey sometimes even I get surprised, so ya never know.
No Faithful Readers, this one is for you. Take these thoughts away with you and I hope this serves you well in your relationships. Love to all of you out there in the Universe!
Till Next Time Faithful Readers,
All my unrequited love to you,
Monday, May 9, 2011
"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind."
— William Shakespeare (A Midsummer Night's Dream)
That is a very profound statement. And difficult to accomplish sometimes. It's not in our nature to look deeper than what we see on the outside, as humans we take everything at face value. I believe that to truly embrace love you have to look at what's inside a person. You have to love the person inside and take the time to find the beauty inside rather than what you see on the outside. If your just looking at the outside or the negative actions than your not in love, you will be disappointed again and again.
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
— Marilyn Monroe
Instead of judging the person that you share your life with or constantly reminding them of bad things that they've done, try to put it in the past and say "I still love you." because allot of times when someone is acting out or getting out of control it's because they're crying out for you to love them. It comes from an insecurity and as a partner you need to reinforce the positive. If you feed into the negative than negativity is all that you will receive and the cycle will never cease. If like me, your a positive supporter than it's crushing when you don't get that in return. Do unto others and all that jazz.
"Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it"
— Nicholas Sparks (A Walk to Remember)
I know someone that doesn't believe in love. He thinks that it's just being comfortable with someone, consistency. I disagree but it's difficult to argue the obscure, it would be much easier to hold up something tangible and say "This is love". We each have a different description of Love. But just because you can't touch it doesn't mean that you can't open your heart to feel it. Love for me, is the completeness that I feel when he's near me, the pride that I feel when he accomplishes a goal, the emptiness that I feel when he's not here, looking into his eyes and seeing the beautiful person in there, the thrill of touching his skin, the way he takes my breath away just by being. That for me is Love. Love is emotion in it's purest most unadulterated form. You can't see it or explain it or touch it, it just is. You have to accept it blindly.
" The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."
Christian, Moulin Rouge
Just open your heart to love. Love someone and accept their love, don't let it pass you by. Life is too short to not love and let the people in your life know that you love them. Hug them and tell them that you love them today before it's too late and the opportunity is gone forever.
— William Shakespeare (A Midsummer Night's Dream)
That is a very profound statement. And difficult to accomplish sometimes. It's not in our nature to look deeper than what we see on the outside, as humans we take everything at face value. I believe that to truly embrace love you have to look at what's inside a person. You have to love the person inside and take the time to find the beauty inside rather than what you see on the outside. If your just looking at the outside or the negative actions than your not in love, you will be disappointed again and again.
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
— Marilyn Monroe
Instead of judging the person that you share your life with or constantly reminding them of bad things that they've done, try to put it in the past and say "I still love you." because allot of times when someone is acting out or getting out of control it's because they're crying out for you to love them. It comes from an insecurity and as a partner you need to reinforce the positive. If you feed into the negative than negativity is all that you will receive and the cycle will never cease. If like me, your a positive supporter than it's crushing when you don't get that in return. Do unto others and all that jazz.
"Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it"
— Nicholas Sparks (A Walk to Remember)
I know someone that doesn't believe in love. He thinks that it's just being comfortable with someone, consistency. I disagree but it's difficult to argue the obscure, it would be much easier to hold up something tangible and say "This is love". We each have a different description of Love. But just because you can't touch it doesn't mean that you can't open your heart to feel it. Love for me, is the completeness that I feel when he's near me, the pride that I feel when he accomplishes a goal, the emptiness that I feel when he's not here, looking into his eyes and seeing the beautiful person in there, the thrill of touching his skin, the way he takes my breath away just by being. That for me is Love. Love is emotion in it's purest most unadulterated form. You can't see it or explain it or touch it, it just is. You have to accept it blindly.
" The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."
Christian, Moulin Rouge
Just open your heart to love. Love someone and accept their love, don't let it pass you by. Life is too short to not love and let the people in your life know that you love them. Hug them and tell them that you love them today before it's too late and the opportunity is gone forever.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Hhhhmmm, a little sparkly optimism for you in a bleak world.
I'm a fairly intelligent, intuitive, empathic person but WOW I astound myself sometimes with how completely oblivious I can be. Sometimes I have these little epiphany's about myself. And yeah, I can be completely ignorant of anything happening around me or get so lost in my own head with my own take on things that I don't notice what's going on for real around me. Funny, huh? Then comes the inevitable crash back to reality usually brought on by someone saying something and I'm standing there going "Wait, What, What just happened????" That being said, I have a good life. I'm happy. Sure I could use some more cash and it'd be nice to be able to do more things or travel more but there's always more things that you wish you could do. I have 2 good son's, a pretty little apartment, good family, some truly fantastic friends and a wonderful man that is beyond words. I'm a lucky girl to be happy with my life so often throughout it. Really there have only been a handful of times that my life has made me unhappy and it's usually due to some major catastrophic event. But every step on this path is an adventure and a lesson, you can't just take the good and ignore the bad, you have to learn from it or your doomed to repeat it. I'm glad that my path has taken me to such unexpected places, if it hadn't than I wouldn't be here today with you Faithful Readers!
Coca Cola turns 125 years old this year, The only things older in this country are now Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney
Allot of attention being given to Cyber Bullying or as I like to call it Farmville!
7 yr old climbs OVER the fence and into a Leopard enclosure, bystanders interfered with "Survival of the Fittest" and the kid is okay. I don't think this should be considered an "attack" it's a leopard, it did what leopards do it tried to eat a small animal that was dumb enough to crawl into it's area. Seriously, we went through this with the tiger attack in California. Don't punish a wild animal for acting like a wild animal. Punish the damn zoologists their the ones that brought the animals to live in these zoos, it's not like wild animals are lining up in the wild going "ooo, pick me pick me I want to live on damp cement and be exposed to constant harrassment and fatty human foods that will eventually kill me, pick me pick me!!!" Yep, no.
LMFAO, "Okay 2 Muslims get on a plane..." Too soon?? Nope it's a real story! 2 Muslims were on a flight and all the other passengers felt uncomfortable so the Airline REMOVED them from the flight. Guess where they were flying too?? A Conference on prejudices and discrimination against Muslims!!! LMFAO!!! Aawww jeez I love it when a story doesn't even have to be touched and it's to die for hilarious!!
Till Next Time Faithful Readers,
Coca Cola turns 125 years old this year, The only things older in this country are now Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney
Allot of attention being given to Cyber Bullying or as I like to call it Farmville!
7 yr old climbs OVER the fence and into a Leopard enclosure, bystanders interfered with "Survival of the Fittest" and the kid is okay. I don't think this should be considered an "attack" it's a leopard, it did what leopards do it tried to eat a small animal that was dumb enough to crawl into it's area. Seriously, we went through this with the tiger attack in California. Don't punish a wild animal for acting like a wild animal. Punish the damn zoologists their the ones that brought the animals to live in these zoos, it's not like wild animals are lining up in the wild going "ooo, pick me pick me I want to live on damp cement and be exposed to constant harrassment and fatty human foods that will eventually kill me, pick me pick me!!!" Yep, no.
LMFAO, "Okay 2 Muslims get on a plane..." Too soon?? Nope it's a real story! 2 Muslims were on a flight and all the other passengers felt uncomfortable so the Airline REMOVED them from the flight. Guess where they were flying too?? A Conference on prejudices and discrimination against Muslims!!! LMFAO!!! Aawww jeez I love it when a story doesn't even have to be touched and it's to die for hilarious!!
Till Next Time Faithful Readers,
Friday, May 6, 2011
Kooky Scientologists and "Anonymous"
Well it was to be expected, the news is just replaying the damn Bin Laden story over and over until I feel like eating through my wrists. I'm bored with this already. It's still bullshit and I am no longer interested as of 5 minutes after it happened. Although the comments have been making me very happy! I like that some of you are verbalizing your opposition to my opinions, good for you!! I like that your thinking and not being easily led sheep. If I piss you off then you feel free to tell me I'm pissing you off! As I stated in a few comments from my previous posting, Your comments will not upset me or offend me. If I didn't want to read them than I would disable the ability for people to post comments or I would block this blog from public view and not advertise it all over the cyber world. I do realize that not everyone will agree with my opinions. If we all agreed than the world would be a very dull place, don't you think? But be prepared Faithful Readers, this is MY page for My views and as you already know I tend to voice those opinions rather boisterously. If you don't like what I have to say than don't read it. Don't blame me because you don't like what I said. Just like with violence on television, you don't like it don't watch it but for god's sake don't blame the television station for your delicate sensibilities.
Anonymous. Unless your a follower or have a gmail account, your posting comes up as "Anonymous" For the most part I can pick out the people that I know just by their writing styles but if I don't know you then it makes it tricky. I would once again like to ask that if your going to leave a comment than you do so with a name. Make up one, I don't care but I think it ridiculous to post comments in the opposition using my name and not giving me yours. Bad form, sir, bad form. Remember, we are painting pictures of each other :)
More importantly if your telling me I'm brilliant, I'd like to thank you personally and completely use it against my detractors lol.
Those kooky Scientologists, all wild and crazy!! Some of you may not know that I have a degree in Psychology. I choose to not use it but still follow the Psychiatric community pretty close because it does interest me allot. A friend forwarded me a link to a video series on Youtube and I have to say it's a pretty damn interesting series and brings up some very good points as to the validity of Psychiatry. But what really got me was that I looked at the credits and seen that it was done by a group that I've never heard of. Citizens Commission on Human Rights. So of course now my interest is piqued and I have to find out more about these people. Opened up Pandoras Box of scientology wackiness!! I knew the Scientologists despise Psychiatry/Psychology, that is pretty obvious. However I did not know that they are so vehemently, violently opposed to it.
I don't agree with most Mental Health practioners that everyone is ill and that the best way to treat them is through psychomedication. I am opposed to that for a multitude of reasons. I believe you have to own your actions and that there is no one to blame but yourself for how you act, the things you say. It's not mommy and daddy's fault because they didn't hug you enough. And no amount of medication is going to make it all better. It's up to you to fix you. Therapy is a wonderful tool, so much can be discovered by talking and analyzing thoughts and emotions. When you introduce a medication into your system your essentially poisoning your system and disrupting processes in your body. The scary part is that we know so little about the brain that we aren't even sure if the brain can relearn these disrupted processes once the medications are taken away, so essentially you may be permanently destroying processes that we don't know if they could have serious reprecussions because we don't know all the things that particular process affected. Scary huh?
Okay back to the wild and crazy Scientologists. So I started looking up this Citizens Commission on Human Rights, WOW with a capital WOW!! These are some kooky people! They've done allot of good attempting to get some rather scary treatments banned and a handful of crazy ass Psychiatrists investigated and such. But instead of using their power for good and being happy with that, no they had to go and get crazy. They want to bring down the entire Psychiatric Community because according to them "Psychiatry is the community behind world domination and a one world government" also according to them "Psychiatrists are responsible for the September 11 attacks" Uh huh. And then I came across these little gems: "Hubbard came to believe that psychiatrists were behind a worldwide conspiracy to attack Scientology and create a "world government" run by psychiatrists on behalf of the USSR:
Our enemies are less than twelve men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles. They own and control newspaper chains and they, oddly enough, run all the mental health groups in the world that had sprung up […]. Their apparent programme was to use mental health, which is to say psychiatric electric shock and pre-frontal lobotomy, to remove from their path any political dissenters […]. These fellows have gotten nearly every government in the world to owe them considerable quantities of money through various chicaneries and they control, of course, income tax, government finance — [Harold] Wilson, for instance, the current Premier of England, is totally involved with these fellows and talks about nothing else actually.[8]"
AND : "Psychiatry and psychiatrist are easily redefined to mean 'an antisocial enemy of the people.' This takes the kill-crazy psychiatrist off the preferred list of professions. This is a good use of the technique [of redefining words] as for a century the psychiatrist has been setting an all-time record for inhumanity to Man"
AND: "In 1966 Hubbard declared all-out war on psychiatry, telling Scientologists that "We want at least one bad mark on every psychiatrist in England, a murder, an assault, or a rape or more than one." He committed the Church of Scientology to the goal of eradicating psychiatry in 1969, announcing that "Our war has been forced to become 'To take over absolutely the field of mental healing on this planet in all forms"
Who let the crazy out of the bag? This is nuts on a level of insanity that is past left field and beyond far out.
See the Citizens Commission on Human Rights is a Scientology group. We've all seen the Tom Cruise videos. We know that Scientologists can be a wee excessive and passionate as with most religulouse peoples. I just dismiss Scientologists with the Mormons, they believe in things that I can't wrap my brain around and I don't think any other intelligent self respecting human should either but it's their choice and I respect that. But it doesn't effect my world so they just don't exist to me. That is until I read this tripe.
Wow how can you call yourself a religion and then release a statement telling your followers to rape, beat or kill a doctor because you don't believe in their ways?? We're worried about Muslims?? Seems to me we should be watching the Scientologists cuz they are some truly frightening individuals. And they are most prevalent in our country!! EEEEKKKKKK!!!!
Wonder when the South Park guys are gonna make a Broadway show about these clowns?
Till Next Time Faithful Readers,
Wait, is that Cruise and Travolta around that corner??
Anonymous. Unless your a follower or have a gmail account, your posting comes up as "Anonymous" For the most part I can pick out the people that I know just by their writing styles but if I don't know you then it makes it tricky. I would once again like to ask that if your going to leave a comment than you do so with a name. Make up one, I don't care but I think it ridiculous to post comments in the opposition using my name and not giving me yours. Bad form, sir, bad form. Remember, we are painting pictures of each other :)
More importantly if your telling me I'm brilliant, I'd like to thank you personally and completely use it against my detractors lol.
Those kooky Scientologists, all wild and crazy!! Some of you may not know that I have a degree in Psychology. I choose to not use it but still follow the Psychiatric community pretty close because it does interest me allot. A friend forwarded me a link to a video series on Youtube and I have to say it's a pretty damn interesting series and brings up some very good points as to the validity of Psychiatry. But what really got me was that I looked at the credits and seen that it was done by a group that I've never heard of. Citizens Commission on Human Rights. So of course now my interest is piqued and I have to find out more about these people. Opened up Pandoras Box of scientology wackiness!! I knew the Scientologists despise Psychiatry/Psychology, that is pretty obvious. However I did not know that they are so vehemently, violently opposed to it.
I don't agree with most Mental Health practioners that everyone is ill and that the best way to treat them is through psychomedication. I am opposed to that for a multitude of reasons. I believe you have to own your actions and that there is no one to blame but yourself for how you act, the things you say. It's not mommy and daddy's fault because they didn't hug you enough. And no amount of medication is going to make it all better. It's up to you to fix you. Therapy is a wonderful tool, so much can be discovered by talking and analyzing thoughts and emotions. When you introduce a medication into your system your essentially poisoning your system and disrupting processes in your body. The scary part is that we know so little about the brain that we aren't even sure if the brain can relearn these disrupted processes once the medications are taken away, so essentially you may be permanently destroying processes that we don't know if they could have serious reprecussions because we don't know all the things that particular process affected. Scary huh?
Okay back to the wild and crazy Scientologists. So I started looking up this Citizens Commission on Human Rights, WOW with a capital WOW!! These are some kooky people! They've done allot of good attempting to get some rather scary treatments banned and a handful of crazy ass Psychiatrists investigated and such. But instead of using their power for good and being happy with that, no they had to go and get crazy. They want to bring down the entire Psychiatric Community because according to them "Psychiatry is the community behind world domination and a one world government" also according to them "Psychiatrists are responsible for the September 11 attacks" Uh huh. And then I came across these little gems: "Hubbard came to believe that psychiatrists were behind a worldwide conspiracy to attack Scientology and create a "world government" run by psychiatrists on behalf of the USSR:
Our enemies are less than twelve men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles. They own and control newspaper chains and they, oddly enough, run all the mental health groups in the world that had sprung up […]. Their apparent programme was to use mental health, which is to say psychiatric electric shock and pre-frontal lobotomy, to remove from their path any political dissenters […]. These fellows have gotten nearly every government in the world to owe them considerable quantities of money through various chicaneries and they control, of course, income tax, government finance — [Harold] Wilson, for instance, the current Premier of England, is totally involved with these fellows and talks about nothing else actually.[8]"
AND : "Psychiatry and psychiatrist are easily redefined to mean 'an antisocial enemy of the people.' This takes the kill-crazy psychiatrist off the preferred list of professions. This is a good use of the technique [of redefining words] as for a century the psychiatrist has been setting an all-time record for inhumanity to Man"
AND: "In 1966 Hubbard declared all-out war on psychiatry, telling Scientologists that "We want at least one bad mark on every psychiatrist in England, a murder, an assault, or a rape or more than one." He committed the Church of Scientology to the goal of eradicating psychiatry in 1969, announcing that "Our war has been forced to become 'To take over absolutely the field of mental healing on this planet in all forms"
Who let the crazy out of the bag? This is nuts on a level of insanity that is past left field and beyond far out.
See the Citizens Commission on Human Rights is a Scientology group. We've all seen the Tom Cruise videos. We know that Scientologists can be a wee excessive and passionate as with most religulouse peoples. I just dismiss Scientologists with the Mormons, they believe in things that I can't wrap my brain around and I don't think any other intelligent self respecting human should either but it's their choice and I respect that. But it doesn't effect my world so they just don't exist to me. That is until I read this tripe.
Wow how can you call yourself a religion and then release a statement telling your followers to rape, beat or kill a doctor because you don't believe in their ways?? We're worried about Muslims?? Seems to me we should be watching the Scientologists cuz they are some truly frightening individuals. And they are most prevalent in our country!! EEEEKKKKKK!!!!
Wonder when the South Park guys are gonna make a Broadway show about these clowns?
Till Next Time Faithful Readers,
Wait, is that Cruise and Travolta around that corner??
Monday, May 2, 2011
Why I think Bin Laden is still alive and skinny jeans
Yeah this one isn't going to earn me popularity points but hey it's my page. I can write Jesus is a dick if I so wish. And on that note.....
No I'm sorry I can't buy into this bullshit story of Bin Laden being dead and no offense but if you have at least 2 working brain cells then neither will you. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I don't believe in clandestine orders controlling the world and I don't buy into the stories of the population being controlled by aliens/masons/subliminal govt programming/pandas, penguins or any other such foolishness.
Are you telling me that we've had intel on where he's been since August and we are just now killing him? Are you telling me that it was too risky for us to clear 3 floors of a building to take him alive but there was minimal risk in clearing 3 floors of a building to shoot him in the head?? Are you telling me that no one knew about this operation, a handful of people supposedly saw the body, that NO Arab nation was willing to take the body of the "Lion Of The Jihad" to be buried, not even his family who still financially supported him? I'm supposed to blindly believe what, a headline from a government controlled news agency, the word of a lying President, with no proof what so ever???? Oh wait they matched the DNA from the person killed today to the family members of the Bin Ladens. In effect couldn't you take my DNA and say that it matched a dead body in Iowa?? I've seen 2 pictures and even with my glasses off I could tell they were poorly photoshopped. And further more are you asking me to believe for one second that this guy was living 1000 yards away from Military Academy in Pakistan (Our Allies who have been giving us intel on Bin Laden) and they didn't know about it??
Are you honestly asking me to believe this? It's easier for me to believe that I'm going to be Grand Empress and ride to my Palace on a Woolly Mammoth courtesy of crazed Japanese Scientists that have never seen Jurassic Park (see past blog)!!!!
I believe he is still alive and I believe we cut some sort of deal with him so that we leave Afghanistan and save face and once again become allied with him. Oh you forgot he use to be one of our strongest informants and that we did business with him for decades didn't you? It's too easy to put on the blinders and just accept something that's spoon fed to you with a pretty patriotic coating isn't it?
But here's the truth of the matter really, this doesn't change the price of oil, the price of groceries, Obama's weak dollar, the way our "President" broke the law and his own word and engaged us not in a war with Libya but cold blooded murder, it doesn't change the terrorist threats. Terrorists across the World aren't going to say "Ooops boss is dead guess I'll go be a carpenter and build a school for my village!"
I hate skinny jeans. I do, I hate them. I wear them because I am a vain person and I know they flatter my well toned legs and make me look like I have an ass. But Jesus those things are a fucking trial in patience if your legs aren't sticks! It is impossible to get them off if like me you have really well muscled legs! Who the hell thought these things up?? I feel like they should come with an escape plan or an emergency exit, seriously.
And I'm sorry but if you have a penis and your not gay, please don't wear skinny jeans!! No self respecting masculine male should wear skinny jeans and Bro Code dictates that if one of your buddy's tries to leave the house in these he should be subdued in any way possible. I don't care what girls tell ya guys I'm here to tell you that if your straight, skinny jeans make you look like an effeminate candy ass punk bitch and other guys will start shit with you at the bar and you deserve it for listening to a chick/heeding an article in Cosmo or Maxim or how the hell ever you figured it was a good idea to wear spandex jeans.
My Gays: I love you in skinny jeans, keep it up!!! But will you please tell me where the escape/emergency exit is on these things??
Till Next Time Faithful Readers,
No I'm sorry I can't buy into this bullshit story of Bin Laden being dead and no offense but if you have at least 2 working brain cells then neither will you. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I don't believe in clandestine orders controlling the world and I don't buy into the stories of the population being controlled by aliens/masons/subliminal govt programming/pandas, penguins or any other such foolishness.
Are you telling me that we've had intel on where he's been since August and we are just now killing him? Are you telling me that it was too risky for us to clear 3 floors of a building to take him alive but there was minimal risk in clearing 3 floors of a building to shoot him in the head?? Are you telling me that no one knew about this operation, a handful of people supposedly saw the body, that NO Arab nation was willing to take the body of the "Lion Of The Jihad" to be buried, not even his family who still financially supported him? I'm supposed to blindly believe what, a headline from a government controlled news agency, the word of a lying President, with no proof what so ever???? Oh wait they matched the DNA from the person killed today to the family members of the Bin Ladens. In effect couldn't you take my DNA and say that it matched a dead body in Iowa?? I've seen 2 pictures and even with my glasses off I could tell they were poorly photoshopped. And further more are you asking me to believe for one second that this guy was living 1000 yards away from Military Academy in Pakistan (Our Allies who have been giving us intel on Bin Laden) and they didn't know about it??
Are you honestly asking me to believe this? It's easier for me to believe that I'm going to be Grand Empress and ride to my Palace on a Woolly Mammoth courtesy of crazed Japanese Scientists that have never seen Jurassic Park (see past blog)!!!!
I believe he is still alive and I believe we cut some sort of deal with him so that we leave Afghanistan and save face and once again become allied with him. Oh you forgot he use to be one of our strongest informants and that we did business with him for decades didn't you? It's too easy to put on the blinders and just accept something that's spoon fed to you with a pretty patriotic coating isn't it?
But here's the truth of the matter really, this doesn't change the price of oil, the price of groceries, Obama's weak dollar, the way our "President" broke the law and his own word and engaged us not in a war with Libya but cold blooded murder, it doesn't change the terrorist threats. Terrorists across the World aren't going to say "Ooops boss is dead guess I'll go be a carpenter and build a school for my village!"
I hate skinny jeans. I do, I hate them. I wear them because I am a vain person and I know they flatter my well toned legs and make me look like I have an ass. But Jesus those things are a fucking trial in patience if your legs aren't sticks! It is impossible to get them off if like me you have really well muscled legs! Who the hell thought these things up?? I feel like they should come with an escape plan or an emergency exit, seriously.
And I'm sorry but if you have a penis and your not gay, please don't wear skinny jeans!! No self respecting masculine male should wear skinny jeans and Bro Code dictates that if one of your buddy's tries to leave the house in these he should be subdued in any way possible. I don't care what girls tell ya guys I'm here to tell you that if your straight, skinny jeans make you look like an effeminate candy ass punk bitch and other guys will start shit with you at the bar and you deserve it for listening to a chick/heeding an article in Cosmo or Maxim or how the hell ever you figured it was a good idea to wear spandex jeans.
My Gays: I love you in skinny jeans, keep it up!!! But will you please tell me where the escape/emergency exit is on these things??
Till Next Time Faithful Readers,
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