Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Kooky Scientologists and "Anonymous"

Well it was to be expected, the news is just replaying the damn Bin Laden story over and over until I feel like eating through my wrists. I'm bored with this already. It's still bullshit and I am no longer interested as of 5 minutes after it happened. Although the comments have been making me very happy! I like that some of you are verbalizing your opposition to my opinions, good for you!! I like that your thinking and not being easily led sheep. If I piss you off then you feel free to tell me I'm pissing you off! As I stated in a few comments from my previous posting, Your comments will not upset me or offend me. If I didn't want to read them than I would disable the ability for people to post comments or I would block this blog from public view and not advertise it all over the cyber world. I do realize that not everyone will agree with my opinions. If we all agreed than the world would be a very dull place, don't you think? But be prepared Faithful Readers, this is MY page for My views and as you already know I tend to voice those opinions rather boisterously. If you don't like what I have to say than don't read it. Don't blame me because you don't like what I said. Just like with violence on television, you don't like it don't watch it but for god's sake don't blame the television station for your delicate sensibilities.

Anonymous. Unless your a follower or have a gmail account, your posting comes up as "Anonymous" For the most part I can pick out the people that I know just by their writing styles but if I don't know you then it makes it tricky. I would once again like to ask that if your going to leave a comment than you do so with a name. Make up one, I don't care but I think it ridiculous to post comments in the opposition using my name and not giving me yours. Bad form, sir, bad form. Remember, we are painting pictures of each other :)

More importantly if your telling me I'm brilliant, I'd like to thank you personally and completely use it against my detractors lol.

Those kooky Scientologists, all wild and crazy!! Some of you may not know that I have a degree in Psychology. I choose to not use it but still follow the Psychiatric community pretty close because it does interest me allot. A friend forwarded me a link to a video series on Youtube and I have to say it's a pretty damn interesting series and brings up some very good points as to the validity of Psychiatry. But what really got me was that I looked at the credits and seen that it was done by a group that I've never heard of. Citizens Commission on Human Rights. So of course now my interest is piqued and I have to find out more about these people. Opened up Pandoras Box of scientology wackiness!! I knew the Scientologists despise Psychiatry/Psychology, that is pretty obvious. However I did not know that they are so vehemently, violently opposed to it.

I don't agree with most Mental Health practioners that everyone is ill and that the best way to treat them is through psychomedication. I am opposed to that for a multitude of reasons. I believe you have to own your actions and that there is no one to blame but yourself for how you act, the things you say. It's not mommy and daddy's fault because they didn't hug you enough. And no amount of medication is going to make it all better. It's up to you to fix you. Therapy is a wonderful tool, so much can be discovered by talking and analyzing thoughts and emotions. When you introduce a medication into your system your essentially poisoning your system and disrupting processes in your body. The scary part is that we know so little about the brain that we aren't even sure if the brain can relearn these disrupted processes once the medications are taken away, so essentially you may be permanently destroying processes that we don't know if they could have serious reprecussions because we don't know all the things that particular process affected. Scary huh?

Okay back to the wild and crazy Scientologists. So I started looking up this Citizens Commission on Human Rights, WOW with a capital WOW!! These are some kooky people! They've done allot of good attempting to get some rather scary treatments banned and a handful of crazy ass Psychiatrists investigated and such. But instead of using their power for good and being happy with that, no they had to go and get crazy. They want to bring down the entire Psychiatric Community because according to them "Psychiatry is the community behind world domination and a one world government" also according to them "Psychiatrists are responsible for the September 11 attacks" Uh huh. And then I came across these little gems: "Hubbard came to believe that psychiatrists were behind a worldwide conspiracy to attack Scientology and create a "world government" run by psychiatrists on behalf of the USSR:
Our enemies are less than twelve men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles. They own and control newspaper chains and they, oddly enough, run all the mental health groups in the world that had sprung up […]. Their apparent programme was to use mental health, which is to say psychiatric electric shock and pre-frontal lobotomy, to remove from their path any political dissenters […]. These fellows have gotten nearly every government in the world to owe them considerable quantities of money through various chicaneries and they control, of course, income tax, government finance — [Harold] Wilson, for instance, the current Premier of England, is totally involved with these fellows and talks about nothing else actually.[8]"
AND : "Psychiatry and psychiatrist are easily redefined to mean 'an antisocial enemy of the people.' This takes the kill-crazy psychiatrist off the preferred list of professions. This is a good use of the technique [of redefining words] as for a century the psychiatrist has been setting an all-time record for inhumanity to Man"

AND: "In 1966 Hubbard declared all-out war on psychiatry, telling Scientologists that "We want at least one bad mark on every psychiatrist in England, a murder, an assault, or a rape or more than one." He committed the Church of Scientology to the goal of eradicating psychiatry in 1969, announcing that "Our war has been forced to become 'To take over absolutely the field of mental healing on this planet in all forms"

Who let the crazy out of the bag? This is nuts on a level of insanity that is past left field and beyond far out.

See the Citizens Commission on Human Rights is a Scientology group. We've all seen the Tom Cruise videos. We know that Scientologists can be a wee excessive and passionate as with most religulouse peoples. I just dismiss Scientologists with the Mormons, they believe in things that I can't wrap my brain around and I don't think any other intelligent self respecting human should either but it's their choice and I respect that. But it doesn't effect my world so they just don't exist to me. That is until I read this tripe.

Wow how can you call yourself a religion and then release a statement telling your followers to rape, beat or kill a doctor because you don't believe in their ways?? We're worried about Muslims?? Seems to me we should be watching the Scientologists cuz they are some truly frightening individuals. And they are most prevalent in our country!! EEEEKKKKKK!!!!

Wonder when the South Park guys are gonna make a Broadway show about these clowns?

Till Next Time Faithful Readers,
Wait, is that Cruise and Travolta around that corner??


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