Alright yes, my Mom doesn't live in the greatest of areas. In fact she probably lives in the worst area. Right now we are biding our time till December when she turns 55 and can qualify for some place nice. Her apartment building right now is filled with the absolute dregs of society but there are some really nice people, not everyone there is horrible and Management is really stepping up to try to weed out the crack heads and trouble makers. Hell, the other day there were 4 cops there when Management evicted people. One of the people, we'll call her Jane, has been running a crack/prostitution house out of her apartment and got served with her 30 day eviction notice. For whatever psychotic reason she hates my Mom and is always saying something snarky. Jane has been making copies of her keys and giving them to all her dealers and crack buddies (it's a secure building) so that they can come and go as they please.
Saturday, Mom got fed up and called the police because she had gone out and asked these people to keep it to a minimum because her grandson was there. While waiting for the Syracuse Police to show up, these people kept walking by her door yelling "Watch your back, bitch". That pisses me right the fuck off to begin with but here's what really has me furious.
2 hours after calling them, Syracuse's finest show up. Now I'm not a big fan of the police to begin with and my recent run in's with the Onondaga County Sheriff's have left me with an even nastier taste in my mouth for the police in general. In my experience 1 out of every 10 police officers is worth a damn and will actually do something. The rest are just lazy and too busy to care.
So 2 hours later Syracuse police show up. Mom tells them that these people are threatening her. She tells them their running a crack house up in the apartment. Do you know what the Syracuse police said in response to the crack house comment? "That's none of my business, ma'am." The officer told the people to stop threatening my mother or they'd go to jail. Syracuse's finest never checked the apartment, never took any statements and never filed a report. My mother called back later on in the afternoon when the threatening continued and requested to file harassment charges. Do you know what the dispatcher said? "We're awful busy, Gale not certain that the Police can make it out there."
Now I'm not a Criminal Justice expert but I thought the police were suppose to investigate warranted claims of drug activity, I thought they were suppose to document threats against someone's life, I thought they were suppose to document claims of illegal activity. I thought they were suppose to serve and protect.
Syracuse Police Department. I can't come up with a better joke than them. Guess you can't expect your tax dollars to work for you in a state that has the highest taxes in the country, especially when it comes to our police departments.
On the flip side, if your into illegal drug activity and violence, Syracuse is the place for you!
Till Next Time, Faithful Readers.
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