Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Crazy Amish!!!! And Santa is a member of the NRA

Well the Mormons and Scientologists have made my religious watchlists repeatedly for their various crazy beliefs and silly antics, however never thought the Amish would give them a run for their money! Evidently living secluded lifestyles have finally driven them to insanity. I have family that live in Amish country so I'm not unfamiliar with them and their practices. Always had a respect for their commitment. I can understand the draw of living a simple lifestyle in a tight knit community. Personally I'd survive about 30 seconds, but they seem to like it so cool for them. Now outside of the horrible movie Witness, you very rarely hear anything about this group. Until now.

Silly Amish!!

Now there are as many different sects of Amish as there are nail polishes on my shelf. Each with their different Ordnung or orders but for the most part they stick to the same basic principals. And the one main rule is that you follow your sect's Ordnung without question. Technology isn't completely shunned by the Amish, it's considered when it's presented to them on how it will effect their community. One particular sect that I read about adopted the use of cars but then their young adults literally all disappeared out into the wide world when they got a taste of life in modern times. So they withdrew that order lol. One sect adopted the telephone until they figured out that the system they were using made it so that they could eavesdrop on each other which led to massive gossip and contention in the community. No more phones there.

And then in June, young William Yoder a woodworker (too many jokes) and Amish got himself busted for sexting a 12yr old girl when he pulled up in his horse and buggy to pick her up. Authorities discovered over 600 messages, naked pictures and videos between him and the girl. Sexting isn't a new story. Pulling up in a horse drawn buggy for a sex date? Now that is hilarious! Come on dude, I understand that the Amish communities can be small but seriously you can't find a date? Your telling me in all those Amish communities there isn't one hot and horny chick in a bonnet waiting for a roll around in the hay loft, that's statistically impossible!!

There's the funny, here's the crazy.

An extremist sect of Amish led by Samuel Mullet Sr (ironic last name considering the story) and some of his followers found themselves arrested and charged with Hate Crimes. Mr. Mullet (can't get enough of that) said the crimes were "revenge and punishment for departing families that didn't support the Sects cause." Citing that the families should have obeyed the sect's Ordnung.

What crime did Mullet and his followers commit? They restrained the males of the departing families and cut of the men's beards and hair using scissors and electric clippers. Evidently this is as humiliating as cutting of a Jew's Peyes (curly sideburns). For people that limit technology and cutting their hair and beards is sacrilege, what the fuck were they doing with hair clippers????

No cars, no home telephone service. iPhones and hair clippers are Aces?? These people are confused and I think this is because they are trying too hard to find a middle ground. Either stay with the simple or convert to the modern people because obviously this middle of the road shit does not work for you.

Usually I begin with my favorite news find but I saved this one for last. If anyone is looking for a last minute gift for me, here it is!!

Scottsdale Arizona Gun Club is offering families and kids pictures with Santa Claus! Pictures of Santa Claus with your choice of AR15 with or without grenade launcher, grenade launcher on it's own, AK47, or a vast array of super weapons. Did I mention that Santa will also be packing heat in the picture?? This is my Santa! I want this Santa to visit my house this Christmas, yes please and thank you!! A gun toting, NRA card carrying Santa? This is my proof that there is a God!!The gun club stated it's their way of combing the celebration of Christmas and our 2nd Amendment rights. RIGHT ON SCOTTSDALE!!! Knew I should have moved there this summer when I had the damn chance.

Till next time Faithful Readers,

Dear Santa,
I want a custom AR15 and a Walther P99 with a pink grip please? I'll be good, promise!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Black Friday shopping and why I despise holidays

In my previous blog "Bex Product Endorsements" I tried to give you all a little bit of insight into the easiest ways to shop. Some listened and others didn't.

Now I understand the whole Black Friday shopping tradition for some people. It's tradition, I get that. But for all of you that headed out in the middle of the night or had to completely rearrange dinner plans just to get the best deals, you guys should have listened to me. Best Buy had a 40 inch LCD TV for $199.99, small print in the ad said only 10 in store and you had to be first in line to get a ticket for it. Online 12 hours before, same sale, same price, no line, no out of stock or ticket loss. Could have bought it without the hassel, picked it up in the store, no charge. Old Navy? Bought all my stuff waiting for dinner to get done while watching football. Electronics? Bought it all 30% off the prices you paid in Walmart/Target/Best Buy while sipping my coffee in my jammies on Amazon.

What I don't understand is this: Why start standing in line in the middle of the night for a chance, just a chance to maybe be one of the lucky few to get a ticket for something?? Why deal with the pushing, shoving, 500 angry people all fighting for the same thing, the trampling, the pepper spraying, the people dying?

Here's my theory. I think women really do need a physical vent. Guys have football, hunting etc. Women have competitive sport shopping. Look at the Running Of The Brides at Filene's in NYC!! Pure physical athletic prowess is needed to survive that hot mess! I think the Black Friday Shopping experience is a female version of Ultimate Fighting/MMA. It's the 1 day out of 365 that chicks can fully let go and beat the piss out of a stranger for that $20 sale item! Think about it, if it weren't for the ability to go all psycho bar brawl in a store, all the women that you know would have shopped like me, online and in your jammies!!! No mixed martial arts needed!

I love to shop, no secret there. I love to go to a store and find uber awesome deals. 70-80% off is my language. When I'm feeling down I go to the mall and shop all the clearance racks, spend $30 and get 2 full outfits with accessories. I come home and feel incredible. Point being that shopping should be a satisfying, happy experience. Shopping+violence=No Bex. It turns my favorite experience into an ugly completely non-fun outing. I want no part of 1,000 people shoving each other in a mall. It makes my favorite past time seem like a sporting event, no thanks I'll pass on this madness every year.

Holidays. Oh how I hate Holidays. Growing up it was always a huge production complete with 15 family members and 10 hours of cooking. When I was away from home, I always tried to keep it as calm as possible but I always end up with 10 friends also away from home, so 15 people and 10 hours of cooking. This year it was just a small affair with more drama than the big production. I've never had a more miserable holiday. If I thought for one second that I could get away with just giving everyone their presents and just skipping Christmas, I would. But that little idea has already been slapped down. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Christmas isn't miserable too.

I'm not feeling particularly festive anyway but having it explode like that really killed whatever spirit I had. Usually I get pretty happy putting up my tree and decorations and I'm hoping that this year it does the trick. Although I am pretty psyched that I got the boys presents all bought already! Usually I wait till 2 days before lol! Woohoo me!!! I keep saying it, but I'm hopeful round 2 in Holiday hell goes better.

Till Next Time Faithful Readers,

Ebenezer BEX

Monday, November 21, 2011

Nothing Much

So I've scoured the news and found nothing of interest! Demi left Ashton, the Republican candidates all cried, Pizza's a vegetable, blah blah blah. Oh and the Egyptian public is protesting the military rule that they put into office, who called that? Bex called that! I hate being right because it's boring. Ugh, nothing of interest! Not even locally!

What shall we discuss if there's nothing going on? Let's talk about some stuff that I should not have been the only witness too.

Friday I took Ian to see Breaking Dawn. It's a tradition for me and the boys to see the first showing on the first day of the Twilight movies, seems lame to some but it's fun. There was this older lady standing next to us while we waited for the gate to go up at 10:30. Ian made a comment about sneaking under the gate and the lady says "No don't do that, they get really mad when you do that! I did it last Sunday because I had to use the rest room and didn't want to go all the way down stairs. They called the manager and threatened to throw me out of the theater!! I'm 60 years old and I got busted sneaking into the theater!"

Faithful Readers, I got a giggle out of that and laughed myself to tears at what happened next.....

...The manager comes to open the gate and tells us he can go ahead and take our tickets, looks over and sees the 60 yr old lady and says "YOU! No trouble today, you hear me!!!"

HA! 60 and still getting into mischief in a movie theater! That lady is my hero!!

I dropped Ian off at my Mom's after our movie, first time she's taken him in a month. I needed the break! On my way back into Liverpool on RT 57, there were 5 people on those Hoverround mobility scooters truckin' down the road in formation. Mobility scooter formation ride? Mobility scooter gangs? I was at a stop light when I first saw them and then found myself following them just to see if they would pull out a manuever or some Jackass stuff. I was disappointed, nothing.

Thanksgiving is this week, family and food. Wish it were acceptable to run away during the Holidays. Not feeling overly festive and the idea of being trapped with my family for 2 days makes me slightly nauseous. Although Dave and I have decided to resurrect the time honored tradition of going to the strip club Christmas Eve. Now that I'm looking forward too! It's always amusing.

I finally made the decision to get back on my feet and let the past go. The past is just seriously poisoning my present and honestly there's nothing there for me so why dwell? No, it's time to let go and move on. Not looking for new beginnings and all that jazz, just looking to be okay with the now. We'll see how that goes. Wish me luck :)

Till next time,

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy your right to vote

I'm getting a little tired of the hypocrisy following the Occupy movement. I had some jackwagon try to block me from going into Chase bank in downtown Syracuse. Seriously?? I am the 99% asshole and I do not want you to speak for me if your going to block me from getting money out of my bank to get groceries for Ian. And no offense but Chase isn't the bank charging us for using our own accounts so go sit in front of Bank Of America (which isn't run by Americans). You sit there and point the finger at law enforcement for inciting violence during your "peaceful" protests but what of all the Anti-Semitic rhetoric you allowed? Is Jew hate okay for a peaceful protest? What of your protesters pushing and shoving police officers? Is that not violence? What of Scott Olsen being hurt in the oakland protest? You want to blame the police but the cold hard fact is that the police warned that crowd to settle down multiple times, protesters kept pushing and shoving them and the police yelled out a warning BEFORE firing that canister. It was an accident, do you understand that? It was an accident and guess what, when your egging on the police and creating chaos in hundreds of people, accidents happen. I'm not saying that all incidents have been accidents, yes there have been law enforcement and protesters both that have crossed the line. BOTH. It's not as one sided as you'd have the public believe. Your pissed because law enforcement and the judicial system have removed your right to camp in tent cities in parks and such. You defy the police and are forcibly removed from those areas, you block everyday people from going to work, getting home, using their bank. These people are your fellow 99%, they have to work to feed their families they are lucky enough to not be unemployed and have a job to go to. You want to stop them and what? Get them fired so they can sit in a park for 2 months? The police are trying to protect the citizens and make sure they have safe passage on city streets to work, banks and home. Do you understand that these aren't the 1% wealthy walking to work??? Your hurting your own people! That does not inspire me to support your cause. Your squatting in a public area, defecating and throwing your garbage on the ground to rot, there's no showers or place to wash your hands and then your allowing children and animals to protest with you in this cesspool. All in the name of financial equality. Here's my thought on this. You want the 1% to pay more taxes and be treated more fairly with us? Tell your Democrat President. The same Democrat that was supposed to change all of this according to his campaign promises, the same Democrat that is in Indonesia, planning another vacation to Bali, and telling a group that Americans have been "lazy". Your Government is the one controlling how the wealthy are taxed and generally they are taxed less the richer they are so that the government can insure contributions for their gratitude. Is that the wealthy's fault? No, it's the governments. Go protest them. Why are you attacking the wealthy? Because they were luckier/more educated/smarter than you? Not every wealthy person is a Madoff. Not every business is a Ponzi scheme. Some people are rich because they were smart or good at what they do, accept it because that's what this Country was based on. The idea that an individual can succeed no matter what their beginning circumstance. Work hard and get rewarded. So your pissed because you didn't get as rewarded as 1% of the population? Cry me a river because I'm guessing you have a bank account or a 401K or a retirement fund or health insurance. I don't have any of those things, does that mean that in comparison you are my 1% and I should hate you and protest you? Think about that.

You want to change how the wealthy are taxed. Here is an idea: Get your 100,000 protester's together and every single one of you write on letter. Just 1 letter per person to Congress. Congress can not deny 100,000 letters. They can't ignore it. You want change, make change. Pissing in a park is not going to make them listen to your plight people. Mail those 100,000 letters and exercise your right to vote in change. You voted on an empty campaign slogan for change last time, this time make sure there is true change to support your vote.

I'm not against protests, I fully support protesting an inequality. However, make sure your protest doesn't hurt the people you supposedly represent.

It's beautiful that are Democratic Nation can support protests, remember the soldiers that fought/fight for that right.

And because we live in a Democratic Nation I have this forum to voice my opinion, people around the world hear my one voice. God, I love my country!

Till Next Time Faithful Readers,


Monday, November 14, 2011

Mitt Romney's a Superhero and other absurdity

HA! I had to laugh the short, staccato laugh of utter disbelief when I saw Romney on the news with his whole "They will not have nuclear weapons" speech. It was one of those moments when I had to shake my head and wonder where the hell the guy was that's hired to keep candidates from saying stupid things. From the AFP: "If we re-elect Barack Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon. And if we elect Mitt Romney, if you elect me as the next president, they will not have a nuclear weapon," he said at a foreign policy debate with his rivals.

Is Mitt going to swoop in dressed in tights and a cape and stop the big bad Iranians from going through with their evil plan??

I love Republican's, I'm a Republican. However, Mitt Romney is following the guidelines specifically set aside for how to lose a campaign. I don't particularly care for Romney, I'm digging Perry but come on Mitt!! Your killing my Political Party. With as much dissension and unhappiness as the American people are showing publicly, you'd think that Mitt would concern himself with smaller more immediate and easily accomplished campaign promises. We don't want big promises that will take you 4 freaking years to accomplish! We want jobs and a stable economy, we want our Country restored to it's high international standing, we want to stay out of War for the first time in 10 years. This is what the public is crying out for and it's about time someone listened. Now I do NOT support the "Occupy" movement at all but what I do support is protest and it angers me that we reacted to the Middle East protests so fast and ignore the protests happening on our own streets. Listen to the people and set your campaign to their tone. All you do when you make these big promises is further the growing gap between you and the public.

Hang up the cape Mitt, your going to get sucked into a turbine. Just ask Edna Mode.

I feel dumber after watching one of those segments on how to create a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner complete with decorative name places on autumn leaves held up by Acorns. You see these little Martha Stewart blurbs on every show starting November 1st. Who the hell has the money, time and stamina to do all that?? Ya know how you know Thanksgiving is at my house? You smell the turkey in the hall before you get to my door. We don't have space for decorations because every inch is covered in food! I want to meet these people that spend a month collecting acorns and hot glueing them to leaves, I want to know these people exist and I want to know what drives them into holiday insanity. Who the hell are these people??? Considering the year that I've had, my holiday season is resigned to a small affair for the kids and that's all. Thanksgiving you will find me on the couch drinking beer and watching football. Tell me when dinners ready and I'll get up and eat.

Alright that's what is on my mind today, till next time...


Thursday, November 10, 2011

New post

New post in bexchaosandcandyhearts.blogspot.com

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bex Product Endorsement

Every now and again I come across things that I want to share with every one I know. And there are times that I come across things that I want everyone I know to beware of. So here is the very first "Bex Product Endorsement" list! My absolute must haves and must stay away froms. Now I know that your thinking to yourself, "No way Bex, I don't share your interests in beauty, fashion, shoes, etc" Well check it out peeps, you don't have to because I'm going to systematically make your life WAY easier and you more fabulous!!

Everyday life:

Verizon Fios! Yep completely ditch Time Warner and check out Verizon. The internet is unbelievably fast and I've never once seen black out like TW's does. Neither does the phone or cable television. The quality of all 3 is amazing and they offer some seriously affordable packages! I've had their service for over a year and a half, before that I had Time Warner. Verizon wins hands down.

Liehs & Steigerwald for meat. For 75 years they've been serving the greater Syracuse area, today they have the shop at Grant Blvd and one on Rt. 31. L&S has a variety of freezer packages of meat to suit every possible need and if you sign up online you will receive an email with that weeks special deal package. Call ahead, pick up after work and for $79 you have 2 weeks worth of dinners! Better prices and better cuts of meat then the grocery store you frequent, trust me. If your not in the Syracuse, NY area I suggest you look up your local butchers. Give them a call and see if they offer meat/grocery packages. Not only do you save money but you get to support local businesses!!!

Dollar Tree!!!! I can not stress enough the importance of Dollar stores to the everyday family. Yes I know your thinking "Hell no Bex! I'm not shopping in that cheap ass store!!" And I agree with you however, through trial and error I have learned the lesson of what to buy and what not to buy. Household cleaners: You'll pay on average $1.80 less. Laundry Detergent: $6-$7 less on average. Aluminum Foil and Plastic Wraps: $2 less. Kitty Litter: $3-$4 less. Paper Plates: $3 less. If you go through paper towels like I do cleaning up after the kids then this is your place!!
You can save serious amounts of money between using these stores and your local butcher shops, I've run the numbers and I'm saving roughly $200 a month for a family of 3.

Quit smoking. Seriously not getting preachy!!! That's not my style however let's run the numbers here. Going to the Reservation I was spending $35 a week on a carton of cigarettes, roughly $10 a week on air fresheners (never liked the smell), and $15 extra a week in laundry costs (again, the smell). I'm saving $60 a week by not committing slow suicide. That's $240 a month that I can put towards bills, savings, or fun for me and my family. This month I've treated myself by shopping and going on adventures with Cameron. Everyday has been something new for us.


Every family has clothing expenses. When your single or when you don't have kids, clothes are fun but when you are a family, suddenly clothing is a serious chore. You don't quite realize how expensive clothing is until you have to replace it on a very frequent schedule. And because you have this enormous expense and the chore of going out and fetching this expense in crowded retail areas your perspective changes and clothing is no longer fun. You could suddenly care less about clothes. 10 years ago, I still had jeans that I bought while still in high school! Today I have a closet full of gorgeous clothing to reflect every single aspect of my personality and lifestyle and my boys are always in top of the line clothes no matter what the growth spurt schedule!
Faithful Readers, I am here to rescue you and restore your fun perspective on clothing!!!!! Ladies you will look like a magazine cover every day and Guys you will look sexy and in style thus impressing aforementioned ladies!

Plato's Closet!! Second hand store that specializes in seriously name brand clothing. Designer and "Mall Chic" clothing at Walmart prices! Mostly Women and Men's wear but some childrens.

Goodwill! If your kids are still growing the best advice that I have for you is Goodwill or Salvation Army. You can find some really nice clothing and it saves more expensive clothing by giving you a cheap alternative for play clothing!

Consignment shops!! Look up your local consignment shops not just Plato's Closet!! Support local business!! A Google search for "Consignment shops Syracuse" returned 15 different stores right on the top of the page.

Consignment and thrift stores also repair your "Fun Perspective" on clothing. Think of the emotional high you would get after sorting through a rack of mundane clothing and suddenly tucked into all that chaos you find a Vera Wang (Designer, see magazines for more info) dress for $5!!Or the cutest Rockabilly bowling shirts or the best cotton gypsy skirt or a top that magically makes your boobs look great while making your tummy look tiny! Good times!!

Subcategory Mall and online:

Most people will avoid the mall because it's crowded, there are teenagers, you don't know the stores so therefore you don't know where to go and all humans shy away from unfamiliarity. Easiest way to get familiar? ONLINE!! Look up your mall then look up the websites of the stores that you don't know. Do not judge by appearances!! Charlotte Rouse and Forever 21 Etc are not just stores for teenagers and their clearance racks are goldmines. Khol's and Macy's are expensive as hell but their clearance sections are ridiculous, I bought 3 pair of jeans for a total of $28 on Khol's clearance, originally each pair was marked $110 A PAIR! No lie. Sign up for email notifications at every single store that you walk into. I set up a specific email account just for this purpose so that it doesn't bog down my regular email. Yesterday I went to Old Navy and bought 2 hats, 3 tanktops, 1 long sleeve t-shirt, a sleeveless wrap around blouse, 2 henley t-shirts and I spent $22, my savings grand total was $36.58. I would have spent $58.88 on this particular trip however I signed up for email alerts! Old Navy sent me a 30% off coupon good on all departments in store and I looked online to get a general feel of their clearance racks to see if there was anything of interest to me. I also signed up for alerts from Charlotte Rouse, spent $17 on 3 pair of leggings (in style this autumn see magazines) all regularly priced $14 a pair and for signing up they sent me a 10% off coupon, no restrictions.
Shoes online is the newest craze but I strongly suggest you Google the site before purchasing. I've had good and bad experiences. And only use them if you know your true shoe size because over 70% of the time you are getting your size and more importantly the shape of your foot wrong. Go to an actual shoe store or podiatrist to get the actual size and width. Heels are the best example. Women will tell you "oh I can't wear heels or I can't walk in high heels" but it's a matter of the shoe being ill fitting, walking in a heel is no different than walking in a sneaker with an arch support.

Shoes don't have to be expensive. Charlotte Rouse clearance rack: my last 2 pairs of heels? $5 a pair. Macy's clearance rack: Ed Hardy sneakers $78 for $17. Marshall's clearance: $80 DC Sneakers $10. Amazon.com: Michael Antonio heels $200 for $18. Salvatore Ferragamo heels $300 for $23.


Guys and Ladies!! Guys do not skip this section cuz your skin needs care too. Brands that I swear by? Oil of Olay lotion and body wash, Philosophy Purity face wash, Garnier makeup remover face wipes (they strip the oil off your face but doesn't dry it out guys, everyone should use these) Mane & Tail shampoo and conditioner and Green Tea oil free face moisturizer. These along with B,C, D vitamins daily and your skin is flawless. Want beautiful glossy well shaped natural looking nails without going to get a mani every week? File your nail using a fine nail file and shape it exactly like your nail grows. Next, to get that super gloss finish my fave secret weapon, Revlon Crazy Shine Nail Buffer!! No top coat needed, my nails always look professionally done and I don't take hours out of my life to do them, just 10 minutes while having my coffee and watching the morning news.

Ladies makeup need not be expensive or daunting. An older woman that I know has blue eyes and was stuck on the idea that blue eye shadow and pink lipstick was still a good look for her. No. Just No. First ladies, know your colors!! What skin tone are you? What colors suit your eye coloring AND your skin tone AND your hair color? Don't know? See magazines! Or Google it.

Blue eyeshadow isn't an 80's fad. With brown eyes and an olive or medium complexion blue, green eyeshadow makes eyes pop. Can't use fake lashes? Use Falsies Mascara (awesome stuff love it) No more foundation lines around your face like your wearing a mask! My trick? Concealer in the needed spots then a very LIGHT dusting of Maybelline Age Rewind Powder to even tone. That with a coat of mascara and a light lip gloss or lipstick gives you the natural beauty look that you see on magazine models. Going out after work? Pack an eyeshadow quad in your purse with sparkly colors and throw on a line of eye pencil, 5 minutes and your ready for the pub or club! Think your life is too busy with kids, significant others, pets, work and household chores for makeup and worrying about your clothes?? Think again. Ladies ever notice how getting your nails done makes you feel high for a whole day? Or do you remember how awesome it felt to show off a new outfit when we were in school? Take the 5 minutes to put some light makeup on even if your in sweats doing laundry. Not only do you feel better but it will attract your significant other with your new found attitude. Sweats and T's SEXY?? Hell yes ladies! I rock the shit out of my yoga pants and tank tops by wearing a hint of makeup and some nicely scented lotions and sprays. I feel more confident and every guy I date says that I'm just as sexy on my work at home days as I am going out. If you care, they care. If you don't care neither will they but they'll be more inclined to notice someone that does care. Fact of life.


Most people take magazines for granted. And most people will give you some sort of pretentiously snotty excuse to not read a magazine such as "Oh it's all celebrity gossip, why do I care?" or "It's all commercial trash" MY FAVORITE: "It's just propagating mass consumerism and creating negative self image in young people." If these are your excuses for not looking at magazines you in my opinion are a mental midget. Like it or not we live in a society with expectations as to dress and personal appearances and hygiene. You are judged by these and the absence of magazines do not change this. Being judged by appearances has been prevelant throughout time. Otherwise we would all be unwashed unclothed apes.

Finding out what's hot this season as far as clothing, makeup, beauty, cars, books, media, music, etc. is all captured in a couple of pages. Don't like the politics of Rolling Stone Magazine well I don't care. Look at their indie sections of music for some good bands with good tunes that no one else knows about my holier than thou friend. Yep I was listening to The Black Keys and Death Cab For Cutie 10 years before they were popular and on the radio. All because of Rolling Stone.

How am I always in fashion with my clothing? Allure, Lucky and Vogue. I see next seasons styles and then got to the consignment shop to find the styles.

How do I know what face washes and/or skin care works? Allure, Lucky and Shape.

How do I know which SUV is better crash & safety rated for my income bracket? Automotive Monthly.

Newest and best gadgets like cell phones, computers, laptops, TV's etc. Popular Science.

For $50 a year I am on top of everything.

So there you have it Faithful Readers. Now there is no reason to not know the next big band to come out with new tunes, look like an 80's reject, or know how cool your car is. Save money and use the products that I endorse, I've already tried them out and gone to the expense for you :)

Till Next Time Faithful Readers!