I'd forgotten how much I enjoy sunrise. I watch as the colors stretch themselves farther and farther up in to the sky from the golden horizon. Bringing vibrant, the morning. Beautiful. I always hear my favorite Frost poem in my head at sunrise, puts me at peace even if I've been awake for 2 days.
I have insomnia. Certain times in my life it hasn't been so bad and other times it gets out of control and times like now it's just annoying. Right now I'm battling through an every other day sleep cycle while trying to over come a cold. I get very sleepy, go lay down, float between asleep and awake for an hour and then I'm awake alert and no longer sleepy. Wish we could get an open line of communication between my brain and my body to give me a heads up when we're gonna play this game because I'd personally like to sleep.
It's difficult to explain but I'm going to attempt it. I'm awake all night but certain parts of my mind go to sleep. I don't feel particularly chatty or social, I kind of cocoon myself in my room and read or watch movies. My activities are limited to things that don't require allot of my attention or effort. So it is as if most of my brain is sleeping, the rest being amused by mindless entertainment. Around 6-7 AM I become fully alert again and ready to rock again. The funny thing being that I'm alert enough to make my usual sharp observations and catalog them away for future reference as I would if I were wide awake having coffee watching the news. Curiouser and curiouser......
In Belgium an AD Agency wanted a unique way to promote the cable channel TNT debuting. They put a big red button on a yellow pole in a town square and waited for someone's curiosity to get the best of them. When a hapless attention deficit victim was dumb enough to push the button, yeah......those Belgians are some weird ones! Push the button and an ambulance comes flying around the corner screeching to a halt right in front of the stunned protagonist, flinging open the doors and dropping a body at their feet! Then football players rush out and scoop it up, a bicyclist gets hit by the ambulance, crazy ensues!!! And as it all comes to a close, a giant banner comes down the side of a building with the TNT logo. Huh?? Now I know why most of Europe looks at us in that manner, bad television. Yep, all the world's problems solved right there. Stop subjecting them to our bad television! I don't like watching the 36 hour marathon of Law And Order and I'm an American for Christ's sake, what makes you think subjecting a Belgian villager to this kind of Gitmo style torture will make them happy? I'd hate us too for subjecting me that crap. Europe doesn't make us watch their television (BBC doesn't count, it's American with a better accent) so why would we do it to them especially when it is sensationalizing all the WORST parts of our culture?? Way to propagate hatred, American television!!!! Bad television.
Speaking of bad television, I was watching this really bad ass movie about the Roman 9th Legion when it occurred to me that there is something very wrong with these types of movies. Can you guess what it is? Think 300, Gladiator, Troy, Centurion, basically any movie you've seen in your life pertaining to Ancient Roman and Greek time periods and culture. Got it yet?? Is it driving you crazy trying to figure out what's wrong with these movies? It's kind of like that skit in Sesame Street "One of these things is not like the other".
Did you get it yet????
Define irony. All the movies that you watch based on these Ancient Roman and Greek civilizations have their people depicted by English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, German, actors! How funny is it that the tribe people the Romans were trying to defeat are now portraying them as entertainment! That's like the Universe fisting them centuries later! So you thought you were global conquerors huh? Watch how I destroy your civilization and make the non-bathing barbarians not only take over your land but wipe you off the planet so thoroughly that they play you in movies! HA! This is like those horrible old western movies where all the Indians were white guys in bad makeup, are there really no Greek or Italian actors good enough to portray their own people???
To me it seems like the ultimate fuck you to these people. Then again I haven't slept in over a day so I might be more sensitive to these things lol. Still seems not right though however I will be chuckling to myself next time I see a movie like these and a guy from Cornwall playing a Roman.
I want to hit on the Mitt & Ann Romney story but to be honest it pisses me off so not sure about that. I think Ms. Rosen had every right to make the comment about Ann Romney. Yeah being a mom is a tough ass job with no gratitude, no pay, no rest, etc. However Ms. Rosen was correct in stating that Ann Romney hasn't worked (career, job) a day in her life so it doesn't qualify her to counsel her husband Mitt on what average working women are financially, economically or politically interested in or fearful of. Ann Romney has no idea what this group of American women want to hear because she's never had anything in common except procreation. Just because all women have a vagina does not make them all equal. Ok enough, it's just getting me aggravated. What's actually sort of funny is that like any good cat fight this too was caused by a guy. Mitt was the one that made the comments that led to all this, hahahahha!!! Way to get the spotlight off of ya for a minute, Mitt, good play!
In a previous blog I mentioned the express way to hell was to steal a blind 5 year olds puppy while she was playing with it. Evidently the robbers saw the error of their ways and returned the girls dog. Happy ending!
It's Friday the 13th. Thirteen is my lucky number and I love Fridays so let's hope for the best!!!
Till next time faithful readers,
I have insomnia. Certain times in my life it hasn't been so bad and other times it gets out of control and times like now it's just annoying. Right now I'm battling through an every other day sleep cycle while trying to over come a cold. I get very sleepy, go lay down, float between asleep and awake for an hour and then I'm awake alert and no longer sleepy. Wish we could get an open line of communication between my brain and my body to give me a heads up when we're gonna play this game because I'd personally like to sleep.
It's difficult to explain but I'm going to attempt it. I'm awake all night but certain parts of my mind go to sleep. I don't feel particularly chatty or social, I kind of cocoon myself in my room and read or watch movies. My activities are limited to things that don't require allot of my attention or effort. So it is as if most of my brain is sleeping, the rest being amused by mindless entertainment. Around 6-7 AM I become fully alert again and ready to rock again. The funny thing being that I'm alert enough to make my usual sharp observations and catalog them away for future reference as I would if I were wide awake having coffee watching the news. Curiouser and curiouser......
In Belgium an AD Agency wanted a unique way to promote the cable channel TNT debuting. They put a big red button on a yellow pole in a town square and waited for someone's curiosity to get the best of them. When a hapless attention deficit victim was dumb enough to push the button, yeah......those Belgians are some weird ones! Push the button and an ambulance comes flying around the corner screeching to a halt right in front of the stunned protagonist, flinging open the doors and dropping a body at their feet! Then football players rush out and scoop it up, a bicyclist gets hit by the ambulance, crazy ensues!!! And as it all comes to a close, a giant banner comes down the side of a building with the TNT logo. Huh?? Now I know why most of Europe looks at us in that manner, bad television. Yep, all the world's problems solved right there. Stop subjecting them to our bad television! I don't like watching the 36 hour marathon of Law And Order and I'm an American for Christ's sake, what makes you think subjecting a Belgian villager to this kind of Gitmo style torture will make them happy? I'd hate us too for subjecting me that crap. Europe doesn't make us watch their television (BBC doesn't count, it's American with a better accent) so why would we do it to them especially when it is sensationalizing all the WORST parts of our culture?? Way to propagate hatred, American television!!!! Bad television.
Speaking of bad television, I was watching this really bad ass movie about the Roman 9th Legion when it occurred to me that there is something very wrong with these types of movies. Can you guess what it is? Think 300, Gladiator, Troy, Centurion, basically any movie you've seen in your life pertaining to Ancient Roman and Greek time periods and culture. Got it yet?? Is it driving you crazy trying to figure out what's wrong with these movies? It's kind of like that skit in Sesame Street "One of these things is not like the other".
Did you get it yet????
Define irony. All the movies that you watch based on these Ancient Roman and Greek civilizations have their people depicted by English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, German, actors! How funny is it that the tribe people the Romans were trying to defeat are now portraying them as entertainment! That's like the Universe fisting them centuries later! So you thought you were global conquerors huh? Watch how I destroy your civilization and make the non-bathing barbarians not only take over your land but wipe you off the planet so thoroughly that they play you in movies! HA! This is like those horrible old western movies where all the Indians were white guys in bad makeup, are there really no Greek or Italian actors good enough to portray their own people???
To me it seems like the ultimate fuck you to these people. Then again I haven't slept in over a day so I might be more sensitive to these things lol. Still seems not right though however I will be chuckling to myself next time I see a movie like these and a guy from Cornwall playing a Roman.
I want to hit on the Mitt & Ann Romney story but to be honest it pisses me off so not sure about that. I think Ms. Rosen had every right to make the comment about Ann Romney. Yeah being a mom is a tough ass job with no gratitude, no pay, no rest, etc. However Ms. Rosen was correct in stating that Ann Romney hasn't worked (career, job) a day in her life so it doesn't qualify her to counsel her husband Mitt on what average working women are financially, economically or politically interested in or fearful of. Ann Romney has no idea what this group of American women want to hear because she's never had anything in common except procreation. Just because all women have a vagina does not make them all equal. Ok enough, it's just getting me aggravated. What's actually sort of funny is that like any good cat fight this too was caused by a guy. Mitt was the one that made the comments that led to all this, hahahahha!!! Way to get the spotlight off of ya for a minute, Mitt, good play!
In a previous blog I mentioned the express way to hell was to steal a blind 5 year olds puppy while she was playing with it. Evidently the robbers saw the error of their ways and returned the girls dog. Happy ending!
It's Friday the 13th. Thirteen is my lucky number and I love Fridays so let's hope for the best!!!
Till next time faithful readers,
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