Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Friday, June 22, 2012

A Positive Affirmation

Affirmation: The assertion that something exists or is true.

I was having a conversation after the consumption of many drinks, with a friend. I've kept it in the back of my mind for a couple of days, mulling it over, considering every angle, puzzling it's definitions, contemplating it's existence, comparing it's contents to situational observances. After all of this meditation, reflection, musing, I have come to a very important conclusion.


That is my conclusion, nothing.

I can tell you that you are a beautiful person but it's up to you to choose to believe it. I can tell you that you are worth the world after so many have made you believe that you are not but it's up to you to truly see in your heart your worth as a person. I can't take away the pain of a broken heart, I can only try to make you smile and I can't take away your tears, I can only hold you when you cry and dry them when your done. I can tell you that no matter what happens to us in this world, you will always have my deepest friendship, my loyalty and above all else my unconditional love. I may not talk to you for years at a time but you can still call me up and I will be there for you faster than you can ask me. I may not like or approve of some of your actions, it may make me angry but that doesn't mean that I love you any less. I love you and always will, the dynamic of it may differ through time but the love never fades, it grows every time I see the light of your heart. You will always have a place in Bex World.

A Positive Affirmation.
Affirmation: The assertion that something exists or IS true.

I am Bex. I exist. I am true.

I do not choose my clothing based on what someone else may think is attractive, I do not put my makeup on because someone else may think it's pretty, I do not subscribe to conventional beauty ideas. My body is not perfect, I do not look like a super model, I do not have long flowing hair, I do not have flawless skin, I will never look like the cover of a magazine.

I choose my outfits, shoes, makeup, jewelry on a daily basis, based on what makes me feel good about me. I have short hair because I look good in short hair and it's comfortable and easy to maintain and in all honesty some of the devices and hair care products that people with long hair have to deal with kinda intimidate and in some cases down right fucking scare me. Those devices look like something straight out of the Inquisition! 

I do not have tattoo's because all the cool kids have ink. Each is a story, each tattoo is a permanent reminder of some situation I overcame. Each is a reminder of victory over adversity.

I have pink hair because I like it, I look sexy in pink hair and it suits me both physically and my personality. I don't color my hair pink for anyone else's approval, I do it because pink hair is mine, it is Bex.

I am Bex. I look the way that I want to look, act the way I want to act, I have my own individual beliefs, I am truly my very own and no one here or in the after life will ever change who I am. I will always speak the truth to myself and also to you. I will not conform my beliefs, my value's, my personality, my appearance or my life. You may not love me but you at least have to respect me for that reason alone.

I may not be 18 year old super model pretty but I am gorgeous and painfully beautiful in my Bex way. I am beautiful because I smile a real smile not one created by plastic and expensive dental work, I laugh a real laugh from true feeling, I love true and deep because it is real and not fake.

And you may think that this is about you but it isn't. This is about me reminding myself of how lucky I am to be Bex because sometimes even I can lose myself in the day to day trivial bullshit.

My conclusion of nothing is because I can't make you see yourself as I see myself or even as I see you. It's something you have to come to on your own. You have to see your beauty and your self worth and your inner light. I can only show you and tell you but you have to be the one to believe in yourself.

I am a very self assured person with one hell of a healthy self esteem and I know for a fact what my self worth is. Sometimes I wish I could lend that out to people I know for just 5 minutes.

Till Next Time,
BEX :)


Anonymous said...

I'd like to see a post about each of your tatoos and how they came to be. Unless of course it's too personal to share.

BEX said...

Of course it isn't too personal, I'll get right on it tomorrow :) Thx for reading!!!