For a minute there I truly wanted to write one hell of a nasty ass blog. I wanted to purge my soul of all the negative, immature, unnecessary, bullshit that has been brought to me in my home in less than a week. Purge it all and give you, Faithful Reader, the chance to contact a person that was right in the middle of it with me to clarify my facts Not the absolute fabrication that some would have you hear about this past weeks events.
I reconsidered for one reason and one reason alone. It's not fucking worth it.
Controlling your Karma isn't as hard as you would think. Do the right thing, not just for you but for others. We are all connected on this big spinning blue marble. Don't act maliciously for self centered reasons, don't act maliciously for any reason! Think before you act and before you speak, the energy that you put out into the World will come back to you three fold. If you consistently do bad things, bad things will begin to happen to you. Everything happens for a reason.
Be grateful for the people that touch your life with happiness, love, friendship. These are the people that you cherish! Be grateful for those that bring smiles and warmth and light to you. If you don't then when the darkness in life comes you will regret it the most because you will be alone in that darkness with no one to take your hand and walk through it with you.
When I was younger, I use to hold grudges. As I became older I realized what a waste of energy that is. And just recently I realized that the best way to deal with people that will drag you down, take advantage and take you for granted is this: walk away. You can't save everyone and you can't help those who don't want to be helped. You can only do so much. If a person wants to take your generosity and repay it with negativity, laugh. Because you will not be the one to suffer for it.
I may not have allot but I am grateful for what I have and for the people in my life. I have friends and family that love and respect me, I have a home, wonderful children. I have allot of love, loyalty, friendship and goodness to share.
Life is too short and no one gets out alive, Faithful Readers. Control what you put out into the Universe before the Universe comes back and kicks your ass!
I reconsidered for one reason and one reason alone. It's not fucking worth it.
Controlling your Karma isn't as hard as you would think. Do the right thing, not just for you but for others. We are all connected on this big spinning blue marble. Don't act maliciously for self centered reasons, don't act maliciously for any reason! Think before you act and before you speak, the energy that you put out into the World will come back to you three fold. If you consistently do bad things, bad things will begin to happen to you. Everything happens for a reason.
Be grateful for the people that touch your life with happiness, love, friendship. These are the people that you cherish! Be grateful for those that bring smiles and warmth and light to you. If you don't then when the darkness in life comes you will regret it the most because you will be alone in that darkness with no one to take your hand and walk through it with you.
When I was younger, I use to hold grudges. As I became older I realized what a waste of energy that is. And just recently I realized that the best way to deal with people that will drag you down, take advantage and take you for granted is this: walk away. You can't save everyone and you can't help those who don't want to be helped. You can only do so much. If a person wants to take your generosity and repay it with negativity, laugh. Because you will not be the one to suffer for it.
I may not have allot but I am grateful for what I have and for the people in my life. I have friends and family that love and respect me, I have a home, wonderful children. I have allot of love, loyalty, friendship and goodness to share.
Life is too short and no one gets out alive, Faithful Readers. Control what you put out into the Universe before the Universe comes back and kicks your ass!
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