Hate to burst your bubble but here's a news flash for all my "Christian" relatives, friends, readers, general public that continues to post the increasingly annoying and persistent "It's NOT happy Holidays, it's Merry Christmas!" bullshit on every single social media site on the entire internet......Christians are not the only religion with a holiday that falls in December you ignorant, uneducated, self centered, inconsiderate fucks. In fact, let's set the record straight here. Christianity is ONLY 2,000+ years old, as far as religions go, that puts you all in the adolescent stage. Judaism, Hinduism, Muslim, Buddhism they all predate you by a couple thousand years. Oh and please let us not forget that half of Christianity's "Holiday's", their rituals and ceremony's are all based on Paganism so that when Christianity infiltrated an area there was less rioting by the general public. Where do you think your tradition of a "Christmas" Tree comes from???? Oh and for all of you posting "Put Christ back in Christmas" and then posting pictures of your children and grandchildren on Santa's lap, you are the worst hypocrite! FYI: Santa out dates Christianity also. But if your so worried about Christ's birthday why propagate the Santa story??? Not very Christian of you if your saying those presents are from Santa and not brought to the kiddies by Christ.
Now I know that your getting pissed off at me but wait a minute because I am going to make a valid point here. I am not bashing Christianity!! I am not. But it does bother me that some (not all) Christians preach tolerance and blatantly are intolerant of something simple as a holiday phrase. I say "Happy Holidays" because it's POLITE to acknowledge that not every one is a Christian. did you ever stop to think that someone's feelings may in fact be hurt if you wished them Merry Christmas and they in fact do not or can not celebrate it due to a religious difference than your own??? Stop and reflect, how would you feel? I've taken to replying to "Merry Christmas" by looking that person dead in the eye and saying "Thanks, I'm Jewish!" it's a gentle yet firm reminder that not every person out of 7 billion on this spinning ball of mud is Christian.
Although after this little stint in a retail environment during a holiday season, I beginning to believe that holiday spirit loosely translates to homicidal psychopath! I have never seen so many seriously pissed off people, I mean like really truly angry, hostile people. The general public does not seem to comprehend that I am not personally responsible for their inability to actually read a sales flyer and that I did not personally take all those popular toys and set them on fire out back to insure that their children's holiday is ruined entirely. People, I am a cashier/sales floor associate. The CEO has not called me recently to gather my professional input on sales and neither have the shareholders, these decisions believe it or not, are made by people in a MUCH higher tax bracket than I, so please for the love of all that is fucking holy stop yelling at me!!!
Okay, really didn't set out to sound like I was bashing Christianity but that's how I came off so please accept my apology! I really just wanted to make a valid point of tolerance towards holiday's and point out that some preach it but don't exercise it as they should.
Faithful Readers remember all year to be tolerant and kind and considerate to fellow human beings.
And if it's not too much to ask, don't yell at the cashier/sales person, they're human too ya know!!!
BEX :)
Happy Christmahanukwanzanewyear!
Now I know that your getting pissed off at me but wait a minute because I am going to make a valid point here. I am not bashing Christianity!! I am not. But it does bother me that some (not all) Christians preach tolerance and blatantly are intolerant of something simple as a holiday phrase. I say "Happy Holidays" because it's POLITE to acknowledge that not every one is a Christian. did you ever stop to think that someone's feelings may in fact be hurt if you wished them Merry Christmas and they in fact do not or can not celebrate it due to a religious difference than your own??? Stop and reflect, how would you feel? I've taken to replying to "Merry Christmas" by looking that person dead in the eye and saying "Thanks, I'm Jewish!" it's a gentle yet firm reminder that not every person out of 7 billion on this spinning ball of mud is Christian.
Although after this little stint in a retail environment during a holiday season, I beginning to believe that holiday spirit loosely translates to homicidal psychopath! I have never seen so many seriously pissed off people, I mean like really truly angry, hostile people. The general public does not seem to comprehend that I am not personally responsible for their inability to actually read a sales flyer and that I did not personally take all those popular toys and set them on fire out back to insure that their children's holiday is ruined entirely. People, I am a cashier/sales floor associate. The CEO has not called me recently to gather my professional input on sales and neither have the shareholders, these decisions believe it or not, are made by people in a MUCH higher tax bracket than I, so please for the love of all that is fucking holy stop yelling at me!!!
Okay, really didn't set out to sound like I was bashing Christianity but that's how I came off so please accept my apology! I really just wanted to make a valid point of tolerance towards holiday's and point out that some preach it but don't exercise it as they should.
Faithful Readers remember all year to be tolerant and kind and considerate to fellow human beings.
And if it's not too much to ask, don't yell at the cashier/sales person, they're human too ya know!!!
BEX :)
Happy Christmahanukwanzanewyear!
Aaawwww shucks.....thanx you much :)
hahahaha!!! Soooooo true!!!! I h8 the so called "war on xmas" - and ya know what, I can't see why nativity scenes can't be displayed...it's part of the many diverse winter celebrations that our society currently celebrates, so put up yer nativity scenes (if there are any christians left who get the whole birth of jesus and go to freakin' church as well!!!)otherwise you are just hypocrites - say merry xmas, say happy kwanza, say happy chanukah, and any other thing you personally celebrate, and in general just say happy holidays cuz thats what it is...I just say "enjoy your holiday" and it doesnt bug me...saying happy holidays is not a pc term either, they've been saying it as far back as the 1890's!!!
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