I haven't written in a week and a half, my apologies. Although it probably seems much longer to me than the people I annoy by constantly posting about my blog, lol! I've honestly had a bunch of ideas for blogs but every time I've sat to write it hasn't flowed as it usually does. I've been trying to figure out why it hasn't been coming to me and then I realized I was trying too hard to find things of interest to you. That's where I fucked up, to put it bluntly. Not that I don't care about what you would like to read here, please don't ever think that! But this is my blog page and generally your here reading this because of an active interest in me, the funny way that my mind works or my strange little perceptions of the world around me. So I'm sitting at the laptop and just writing what ever comes into my mind. If your bored by this, go away. Seriously, there's the door, use it. If intrigued about where this little path goes then let us link arms and adventure in together ;)
Dating sites are not necessarily working out for me I think. I'm fast getting frustrated and bored with that particular experience. I always say "Try everything twice, that way your sure you either like or dislike it." Well this was the second time that I tried it and yeah, not so much. Pretty sure that I don't like it. Now I'm not completely lost on it, I've met a couple cool people. But for the 4 cool people that I've met, I've gotten 400 bad experiences. I still want to know what kind of "Science" they're using. I don't consider random a science and that seems to be their method,lol. And I haven't heard or seen anything from my 7ft knitting, polka dancing Muslim lately either, oh how my dreams of true love are shattered by this!! Prince Charming has run away, what ever shall I do??
Ya know what I don't get at all? How come it's so hard to meet someone? I don't mean like "Meeting someone" I mean like how come it's so hard to chat someone up and then get them to either agree to a meet or get them to ask you out if they are obviously interested? What's that about?? Your interested, I'm interested, let's get together have a cup of coffee or a beer we will see where it goes from there but let's at least get that first step out of the way!! This is my way of thinking about it: Ok we've chatted, there's an active interest in each other as far as your breathing, I'm breathing and it doesn't seem to annoy either of us. Let's get the meet and greet out of the way so that I can figure out if I potentially want to fuck you or have a beer with you or both. Because, yes this is honestly how I categorize people in my head and I'm not happy until I figure out where your place is in my mind. Also I like to figure this out rather quickly because then I can either expend my energy or conserve it depending on your category. Your honestly not paying any attention to what I'm saying, your sitting there trying to figure out what category I've got you in, aren't you?? LOOK RABID BUNNIES.... okay now that your back to paying attention to me.
I was thinking earlier this week about love. I was looking at everyone around me and I was honestly wondering why we are constantly searching for love when all it does is cause confusion, pain and financial woes out the ass. The human race is nothing but a bunch of freakin lemmings, man. We see the precipice and just go right on running for the edge as fast as our little lemming legs will take us! I watch my friends that are in seemingly happy relationships but it's honestly one sided. I watch couples that put on the happy facade but both are miserable. And then I see the largest group of people. The ones that have had their hearts broken into millions of pieces, the ones that love has destroyed completely, the devastated majority.
We say we aren't looking for love. We cover it up with clever little lies and pretty little cliches but it all comes down to the simple fact that we are still searching for someone to share time with. We aren't lemmings, we're junkies. We jones for that feeling of being with someone, the butterflies when your first meeting, the tingles on your lips from the first kisses, the euphoria and dizziness of closeness. Because with that person the past is erased and right then there are endless possibilities and it's physically, emotionally intoxicating. It's delicious that level of intoxication. I honestly don't look for someone to spend forever with and all that jazz. I go out actively looking for the guy that makes my lips tingle and makes me dizzy. That to me is much more interesting. After thinking of it that way, it made me temporarily less cynical about love. Give me a couple days and I'll be back to my usual self lol!
I'm really hating this weeks snow storm here in NY. Not because it's a bitch to drive in, not because it's cold, not because I have to warm up the truck 20 minutes before I want to go anywhere. These are all very valid reasons however my self involved reason that I hate winter is because it's hindering my social patterns. Nobody wants to come out and play!! I'm bored out of my mind and no one will come occupy my time. No one wants to go out and have drinks or do anything. Wtf is that? I can't live like this for the next 6 months! It's been 2 days and already I feel like a minute is an eternity. I'm gonna go crazy by 1 January! All work, no play equals a bloggin Bex. So for your own sanity, it's in your best interest to amuse me lol. Especially now that all my fave tv shows are on hiatus, this is going to give me ALLOT of free time!
Alright faithful readers, my attention span has..look something shiny!!!
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