Admittedly there are things that I am obsessively snotty about, I won't use anything but Bath & Bodyworks sprays and lotions, I hate using a smaller cell service, some products I will not purchase unless it's a major brand. But there are other things that REALLY make my snotty ass attitude come out full force, the biggest one being manners, being considerate and common courtesy. I will tear someone down in public, I will humiliate you and make you ashamed for yourself for these transgressions. I am astonished by the lack of manners and common courtesy in the world! Why are my son's generations not being taught these simple rules for how to act in public? Why as parents have you not taught your children something simple such as "Please, Thank you, Your Welcome and the one that really gets me, Excuse me" Is it so difficult to say Excuse me when passing someone in close proximity??? And I would love to just pin this on the younger generation but truth be told it's not just them, I watched a woman in her 40's do this in a store recently. She knocked right into a pregnant girl and never once looked at her and said excuse me, I'm sorry. We, the American culture, have no instinct towards being polite at all. I've been all over the world and back again and never witnessed once the complete lack of social skills that we display in public. I am pleading with the public, do not leave your house unless you fully intend on at least using a minimum of politeness and courtesy. Hold the door for someone, say Thank you, please, your welcome, excuse me, let someone with less items go ahead of you, be aware of the senior citizens, mommies to be, moms w/ little kids etc. BE POLITE!! I promise it won't fucking kill you, you will not experience spontaneous combustion in your mouth for using nice polite words! The world will not collapse because you teach your curtain climbing mouth breathers to hold a door for an old lady!! Think of how much nicer it would be to go out to the mall, movies, bar, anywhere actually if we all just pulled out our manners? Do it just for that self centered reason, to make it more pleasant for yourself if doing it for the general public is too much to ask for from such an upstanding citizen such as yourself.
Most people will think that being considerate falls under the tirade of using your manners and it does to an extent but I'm going to be a bit more specific. In the past week I've come across 2 glowing examples of idiotic morons that have not only not been taught common courtesy but seriously lack common fucking sense to stop and think about what they're doing and be considerate towards others!! Really, this disturbs me on the most basic, core level of my being as a member of the human race. I know that intelligence isn't a thing that we can give out however, common courtesy is that little thing that makes you stop and think about your actions and how they affect other people around you is it so hard for people to do this?? Why, Why is it so hard? I'm not going to go into explanations because it would cause drama and I DO NOT ACCEPT DRAMA but I will say this, Some people better understand to pay closer attention to their own houses before disrupting mine. Throwing out an apology and then acting without consideration right after, does not make it all better it just makes your true colors of mouth breather show through brightly and clearly for the world to see. And stupid is not a color that looks good on any one.
The second shining example of twat this week was a combination of make me laugh because you took yourself seriously and wonderment at the lack of common sense. My job is to go in and rearrange stock rooms and re-inventory all the items within. I like manual labor jobs, it's no secret that I love the sense of accomplishment that comes from these types of jobs and this one was cool because it was like working a great big room sized puzzle. I ran out and got this job literally. It took me 24 hours. I didn't really want a job but I figured that getting something small and part time to get me out of the house would be cool. And I got pressured into it by 2 people that said repeatedly I needed to. Back to the story. So I rearranged this 1 storeroom full of sporting goods and weight sets. Took me a week of busting my ass but it's a beautiful little room now. Instead of saying "hey good job, looks good" the midget, bi-furious, man hating, angry little gnome of an assistant manager came in and threw a hissy fit. I showed her that on the shelving units the products behind the ones in front were the same as the ones behind thus making it even easier to find something even though it's all listed in individual sections labeled on the shelves and in the hand held computers. Hostile, man hating, pretend lesbian went ballistic swearing that it was too complicated and no one would be able to find anything but this section is her section and she let's no one else in there so in essence she's saying that she's too stupid to find anything in the simple, crayon written organization. OUTSTANDING award for stupidity this week goes to Michelle! Oh wait it gets better, she also gets this weeks EXEMPLARY award in lack of social/management skills! Yep went in on friday after going to the emergency room and getting my finger all splinted up to give her a note from the hospital saying that I was not to work for 1 day. Michelle then threw one of her fun bi-furious hissy fits because and I quote "What the hell 1 day do they mean??" my answer(in true Bex form) "Next thursday. Seriously the next day I work" I stood there wondering if I really just had to explain that to someone in management, did that just happen?? My angry little gay-tend (gay pretend) gnome then decided it was okay to start raising her voice at me, telling me that someone else on staff broke their finger and was working through it and she didn't accept my doctors note and "I can't believe you had me called all the way up to the service desk it's your job to find me!". I couldn't decide if I should slap her or laugh at her, I ended up laughing at her. For more reasons than the above, I blew today off and I'm on a mission to get fired in the next 24 hours. It's a fun mission and just in time for Christmas and New Years, SWEET!! If they don't pull me in and let me go first thing tomorrow, I'm going to be as annoying, snotty, sarcastic, confrontational and pretentious as only Bex can be! Level 15 on the Bex aggravating scale. Expect to hear from me early tomorrow.
Time for current events! 3 things have really caught me this week. 1. The Royals!! Oh how I love the Brtish Royal family! I do I do, they are one of my favorite obsessions. Princess Diana wedded Prince Charles I was allowed to stay home from school to watch, same with Prince Andrew and Fergie the Duchess of York. I could go on and on about the Royals. Prince William marrying Kate is too cool for many reasons, I am excited for them and wish them mountains of happiness from my heart and soul. And because of the decision to snub President and Mrs. Obama from the guest list, I love the Royals more! If this little move doesn't magnify how little this President is respected, I don't know what will. Guess what Obama, Presidency doesn't buy you world wide respect and your idiot wife should've been slapped for touching, let alone hugging THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND! I'm an idiot commoner from Upstate New York and I know better than to touch a member of the Royal Freaking Family. I'm so glad they didn't get invited, it'd be like letting your trashy inbred cousin crash your wedding! Also, am I the only one that got a big laugh out of the picture of Camilla and Charles' car getting battered by angry protesters? She looked like a big frog or a big mouthed Bass out of water, lmao!
2. Veteran Kayaker gets eaten by giant crocodile in Congo, Africa. Hhhmm, didn't see that coming. Don't even have to comment on this one it speaks for itself.
3. Sheriff Grady Judd from Polk County, Florida is the ballsiest man on the planet! A man wrote a book, a how to for pedophiles. Literally, not kidding, google it. He lives in Colorado. Judd's agency sent a request to purchase this book directly from the author and then charged him with trafficking pornography/offensive material involving children and other stuff. No one else in this country has worked to find a loop hole to snag this disgusting child raper and everyone is afraid to step on this individuals freedom of speech rights, not Sheriff Judd! He said "If the other 49 States don't have a law in place for these people, we do!" I say Congratulations Sir! You keep doing shit like this and run for President, I'll vote for ya Judd! Love itloveitloveitloveitloveitloveitLOVEIT!!
Till Next Time Faithful Readers,
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