Wasn't going to blog today however, I just received the worst news ever! TLC has chosen to cancel the reality show "Sarah Palin's Alaska"! This means we will be subjected to her making a bid for the Presidency and her ignorant rhetoric. For me this is good, it means lots more blogs about my favorite Republican mistake. For you the general public, well.....I'm so sorry lol! I want to know why the network cancelled her show! Why couldn't we give the big bear from the first season a second chance at eating her? Why couldn't TLC perform this one small favor to the citizens of our country? I wasn't going to blog about my buddy Sarah because she's catching hell from all directions and really doesn't need my help. Once again in true Palin form, she's managed to put herself in a position for mass amounts of bad publicity and misinterpretation/misrepresentation. Now before I say this understand that I am in no way sticking up for this ridiculous woman, not ever. So that being said, Sarah released a map with a bunch of crosshair targets on it during midterm elections, each target representing someone in politics that she didn't want to see re-elected. One of which being Congresswoman Giffords, who was shot in Arizona. Giffords came forward when the map went public and stated that she didn't feel this was a good idea and it didn't make her feel safe. But of course Sarah didn't listen, didn't make apologies and kept the damn map up. What an incredibly dumb douche my Sarah Palin is! She's taking heat for inspiring violence towards the Congresswoman. Sarah, oh my little Sarah, Why oh why do you not have an assistant, friend, family member to stop you from saying stupid shit?? Can we please get a volunteer to stand next to her and either throw a hand over her mouth or physically restrain her from saying/doing something that makes her look like a backwoods, inbred, unintelligent, militia member, babbling idiot??
Sarah is becoming the reality star presidential candidate! There was an article recently on CNN that was all about the forerunner for the GOP Presidency bid and how he has a long way to go and probably won't have a successful bid because Sarah Palin is such a prevalent TV star. Really?? Seriously?? We are electing officials by Access Hollywood popularity polls? Can't wait for the next election, honestly I'll have my hands full with blog material. Hopefully (fingers crossed) that bear will find her and eat her before then.
Till next time, Faithful Readers!
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