As you've read here again and again, I am an advocate for personal responsibility and accountability. Instead of blaming others I believe you should own all your actions and words that you put out into the Universe.
Words can be more dangerous than any weapon or any violent action. They can hurt worse than any blow physically and can leave an emotional scar deeper than any traumatic event. Often I've heard people use the excuse "It's only words" and it pisses me off to no extent. The feelings that are brought into being by a simple word stay with you forever. Your words can influence the people that hear them and be it intentional or not their actions may be a direct result of your words.
Sarah Palin released a statement about the tragedy in Arizona. Mrs. Palin is upset that the media is "putting a blood libel" on her that she feels "Inspires both hatred and violence". Now did she stop to think that her words and actions concerning her crosshairs map this midterm election may have also "Inspired violence and hatred" towards the people she targeted? No she will not take responsibility for her words and actions being in any way an influence on an unstable person however, wants the media to take accountability for their words possibly influencing someone to act out against her. Very rarely do I get serious here on my blog, most times I prefer to be funny. This is not funny in the least bit and I take this VERY seriously. I believe the people that perished in Arizona and the people, including Congresswoman Giffords that were injured in that assault were in fact victims because one irresponsible woman, Sarah Palin, did not take into account the power her words could have on just one wrong person. I believe fully that Sarah Palin should be held accountable for her part in this debacle.
How many times has someone broken your heart and their words stayed with you? How many times has someone verbally attacked you and you remember every single word that they spoke? We like to think that we can forget the bad things and remember only the good but we fool ourselves with that little lie. Your words wether they are beautiful or malicious stay with people forever. Someone once told me the difference between a dancer and a stripper. I took that explanation and applied it to alot of things in my life and to this day will never do a job halfway or act in any other way than professionally. The point being that it stayed with me. Another person told me recently that I was too intense and I spin too fast so I couldn't be apart of their life. It's stayed with me and made me very cautious of anyone that likes my personality. Do you see how directly words can influence someone's thoughts, actions just in a mundane sense. Words in speeches empowered the Third Reich, words of religious fanaticism brought down the towers on 9/11, words have caused wars, assassinations, terrorism, broken hearts, loneliness, sadness, tears. Words also have the power to inspire, create, warm, love, teach and influence people to greatness. Simple words can bring courage, fortitude.
Remember that the words you speak to another may very well stay with them for a lifetime, choose your words carefully and use them wisely because you never know the affect they could have.
Till next time, Readers
Words can be more dangerous than any weapon or any violent action. They can hurt worse than any blow physically and can leave an emotional scar deeper than any traumatic event. Often I've heard people use the excuse "It's only words" and it pisses me off to no extent. The feelings that are brought into being by a simple word stay with you forever. Your words can influence the people that hear them and be it intentional or not their actions may be a direct result of your words.
Sarah Palin released a statement about the tragedy in Arizona. Mrs. Palin is upset that the media is "putting a blood libel" on her that she feels "Inspires both hatred and violence". Now did she stop to think that her words and actions concerning her crosshairs map this midterm election may have also "Inspired violence and hatred" towards the people she targeted? No she will not take responsibility for her words and actions being in any way an influence on an unstable person however, wants the media to take accountability for their words possibly influencing someone to act out against her. Very rarely do I get serious here on my blog, most times I prefer to be funny. This is not funny in the least bit and I take this VERY seriously. I believe the people that perished in Arizona and the people, including Congresswoman Giffords that were injured in that assault were in fact victims because one irresponsible woman, Sarah Palin, did not take into account the power her words could have on just one wrong person. I believe fully that Sarah Palin should be held accountable for her part in this debacle.
How many times has someone broken your heart and their words stayed with you? How many times has someone verbally attacked you and you remember every single word that they spoke? We like to think that we can forget the bad things and remember only the good but we fool ourselves with that little lie. Your words wether they are beautiful or malicious stay with people forever. Someone once told me the difference between a dancer and a stripper. I took that explanation and applied it to alot of things in my life and to this day will never do a job halfway or act in any other way than professionally. The point being that it stayed with me. Another person told me recently that I was too intense and I spin too fast so I couldn't be apart of their life. It's stayed with me and made me very cautious of anyone that likes my personality. Do you see how directly words can influence someone's thoughts, actions just in a mundane sense. Words in speeches empowered the Third Reich, words of religious fanaticism brought down the towers on 9/11, words have caused wars, assassinations, terrorism, broken hearts, loneliness, sadness, tears. Words also have the power to inspire, create, warm, love, teach and influence people to greatness. Simple words can bring courage, fortitude.
Remember that the words you speak to another may very well stay with them for a lifetime, choose your words carefully and use them wisely because you never know the affect they could have.
Till next time, Readers
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