Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Destruction of our "Social Network" Part 2

Not only have we hindered our social skills badly with Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, we hinder our personal relationships with gadgets. Laptops, smart phones, 52 inch high definition tv's, Playstations, Xbox, iPods. All these do is distract us from having an actual communication line with the people in the same room as us. How sad is it to receive a text or IM from someone in the same house as you? It's just an excuse to keep from actually taking the time to sit down an open a line of communication. We use the Best Buy therapy to excuse us from the responsibility of working on a relationship until it finally ends. Your relationship didn't grow apart, it never was. I'm saddened to see that most people I know have a better relationship with their plasma wide screen then they do with their significant other!

I got kicked out of a Best Buy in Florida for telling the older couple looking at huge televisions to take that money and go on a trip just the 2 of them and see how it improved their marriage rather than purchase a $2000 TV to ignore each other with. Sales guy had me removed but as I was being hauled out, the wife actually grabbed the husband and left the store. I like to believe that they did go on a nice trip.

And I'm not throwing stones here Faithful Readers. I'm just as guilty as the rest of our generation. I sit here at my table with my back to the room staring at it in a wall of mirror, watching my life happen behind me. He's on his laptop and I'm on mine, my smart phone right next to me and iPod playing in my headphones. Unfortunately all of the things that I'd like to say, I don't. I lack communication skills, believe it or not. I'm actually pretty terrible at voicing my feelings except here. It's easier here because it isn't real, I can tell you because you aren't real to me your my great imaginary friend!

It's too easy to just let things go when there are so many distractions around to keep you from seeing the failure happening right in front of you. Don't fool yourself in to believing your sharing a comfortable silence, your sharing space and nothing more. Except maybe the regret in failing the love between you.

Put down the gadgets Faithful Readers, go hug your love and go out for a walk together. I like to think you will.
Till next time Faithful Readers,


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