Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Drug Karma and Religious Rhetoric

Gonna play nice Faithful Readers, I won't put names on this one. But you know who you are. Yes you, you hiding behind your own ignorant self denials and pretending that none of this pertains to you, I'm calling you out. Now Faithful Readers you have to be getting just as sick of me saying this as I am of writing it. Drug addicts are fucking morons. Honestly they are the most selfish stupid human beings on the planet and I have no respect or tolerance for them.

I don't care if you believe in Karma or not, no one can deny that sometimes when you do something particularly bad in life it eventually will come back to you three fold worse than what you put into the Universe.

So how can someone that consistently hurt the people that loved him, consistently lied, stole, used and abused every friend and family member over decades, how can that person wonder honestly why things backfire? Can you honestly sit there and wonder why you get chaos and destruction raining down on you? No offense but you'd better be thankful that Karma works in small doses or you'd be stepping in front of an 18 wheeler only to survive barely and get sent to surgery with a doctor named Mengele. You honestly did this to yourself, you deserve every bit of shit that comes your way and then some. Yes I believe everyone deserves a second chance but these people have and 3,4,5,6 chances.

I would love to see all the people that have entered my life and been addicted to drugs completely clean and I would give anything to see them get their lives together and back on track. I would love to see these addicts succeed in truly living life and have a happy ending. But I'm not stupid enough to hold my breath in anticipation of this fairy tale.

Now I also realize I'm treading a very thin line here bordering on hypocrisy. When I'm just having drinks I'm fine but add just a dash of tension, stress, frustration or anger to those drinks and I will binge drink till I am numb and then lash out at the people closest to me because it's completely impossible for me to communicate effectively. And yes I've done my fair share of damage to people and no amount of my remorse can take back the pain I've caused. However I do attempt to not continue this vicious cycle, not always successfully but I also believe that in an environment where communication is open and flowing I flourish and don't have so many control issues. So it's kind of a two way street to keep me balanced and not so self destructive.

Steve Quayle. Now I admit I only listened to a few minutes of this guy last night so I'm kinda talking out of my ass. But what I heard was enough to throw me into a complete tizzy. He "supposedly" found many remains of a giant race of humans. Okay I can buy that. What had me simultaneously laughing till I wanted to wet the bed and ready to hunt him down and beat him with Darwins Origins Of Species, was the tangent he went on about how this race of giants was of course written about in the bible multiple times and that they were obviously supernatural and therefor must be the children of fallen angels AND HERE'S THE PUNCHLINE: The entire Scientific Community is covering up this race of giants and deterring him from speaking out about it because it's a supernatural secret(ssshhhhhh, the CIA might hear you on NATIONAL RADIO ASSHOLE)!!!! There have been multiple findings of giant human skeletal remains yes, not enough to completely reorganize the evolutionary scale to fit a new species because there are not enough of them even in the regions where the remains have been found. C'mon people, common sense please?? Also and here's the part where I wish I was a super hero and my side kick was the ghost of Charles Darwin and we would fly around side by side slapping the stupid out of people and beating them with the mighty "Theory Of Evolution, Only The Strongest Species Survives" stick.

I'm not saying that it's bad to be religious. If it fits in your life and makes you a better person by all means have religion. What I am saying is this, The Vatican has come out and publicly stated that the Bible is more of a guide book for life not a literal translation and not a historically correct text. THE VATICAN SAID THIS!!! The bible is more a collection of stories much like Aesop's Fables to teach moral lessons. Live your life by the lessons taught in it but don't sit there and tell me that there was once a race of fallen angel super giant magical beings because YOU translated Genisis and Deuteronomy to suit your needs. If you were to read the whole thing instead of picking out the pieces you like it would become apparent to you that it was talking about Mankind's ability to corrupt itself from within by allowing itself to be swayed by evil. But no Mr. Quayle had to go and take it literally.

Really?? Seriously?? How are you going to deny Evolution while Literally translating the Bible and then be upset because Scientists won't take you seriously??

I don't take you seriously and I believe almost 6 impossible things before breakfast.

Throwing Religious Rhetoric at me and then attempting to disguise it as Science while damning Evolution, dude I want what ever pill your on because that is some good shit and I want to be that high!!!!

Till Next Time Faithful Readers,


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