I visit at night.
I walk through your dreams.
I lay next to you in sleep and kiss away the nightmares, soothing the cares of a worried brow till there is nothing left to trouble.
Mending broken hearts so they may dance together again here if not in waking moments.
In dreams I will exist, in the between I will linger, in the awake I will rest until it is time for you to dream.
We will watch the twilight of each evening together and part when the sun is breaking.
I will hold your hand in many places and we will walk amongst the stars.
I will exist in your dreams where nothing can touch us and curse the sun for taking you away.
These places of imagination, of only feeling and non reality are my home within you.
If I could take away the lies and hurts others have caused, If I could heal your wounds, I don't know that I would just for the chance to walk with you in the light.
Here in dreams I can keep the hurts away forever, here there are no questions to burden the feelings, here in dreams the love is pure, untouchable by others jealousy.
Your smile in dreams is the only light, your eyes reflecting scenes is all I wish to see.
In dreams I will exist, in the between I will linger, in the awake I will rest until it is time for you to dream.
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