Thoughts that are buzzing in my head today.
Ever notice that Hot Pockets are like chinese food? Seriously, you eat one and your full but 10 minutes later your hungry again! Is that some sort of ploy to get us to buy more Hot Pockets? Is there a special chemical in them that causes this anomaly? I believe it's a plot against Jillian Michaels to make America fat, lmao!! Did I ever tell you that I'm on a mission to get fat just so I can go on Biggest Loser and Jillian Michaels will touch me? Yes I know this is a flawed plan but it's all I got man and c'mon tell me you wouldn't lose it if she was just standing next to you! Jillian is HOT!! Btw, the Hot Pocket observation is actually not mine. Shout out to B, that was all him.
Next on the list is The Happy Halloween Party. Originally Krystle was making less than subtle hints about me having a halloween party. Then last night Cameron was here and I mentioned it. Needless to say, I'm now having a Halloween party. But it's funny cuz me and Frank were talking about how I should have a party and get everyone from the Valley/Corcoran back together. So I'm hoping I can get as many of you as possible. Keep in mind it is one MY parties so it will be EPIC! No one can ever say my parties aren't freakin outstanding and memorable! Plus it would mean a lot to me to have all my friends in one spot for a few hours!
Ever notice that getting sick always makes you want your mom? Only mom can make it better when you feel like shit. So I am thankful that my mom is here to baby me through my cold, however, I think she's staying permanently. My step dad and her got into a fight a few days ago and we had to go pick her up. But yeah, I don't think she's leaving. I am too old to be living with my mom!! And hey, this is my space in the world! I'm bitching because I don't want to share my permanent space with the man I love, why would I want to share it with MY MOM!!! I'm too old to be treated like a 10 year old for god's sake! She yelled at me for not picking up my socks the other night, it's my house! I don't have to pick up my socks if I don't wanna!! I swear if she starts making me an afternoon snack that's it she's out!!
I hate psycho stalker bitches! We all know that I've had my fair share of run in's with these crazy chick's Kim, Nicole, etc. But now my friend Krystle's getting it. Her ex friend won't stop stalking her and keeps asking mutual friends about her. Dude seriously, Krys hates you with good reason! Keep her name out of your mouth, leave it alone cuz your a backstabbing whore! I can't stand people that always have something to say. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. There's always those silly little bitches that can't mind their own business and quit running their mouths. Grow the fuck up and concentrate on your own life! Have you noticed that the girls that do this are the ones with 4 kids by 4 different guys, no job and some sort of man drama happening? It's like their life is so miserable they try to start shit in everyone elses. Nothing aggravates me more in this world!
Well that's it for now faithful readers! Hope you can all make it to the Halloween Party, remember to buy extra Hot Pockets, punch all hater bitches in the mouth and I'm off to drug myself with cold medicine so that I don't hear my mom grounding me....
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