LOL, Sorry I'm getting a giggle out of my own title for this blog. Follow me on this one because it's going to all time funny! If you don't get giggles out of this one, you've got to be a humorless zombie!!
We joke sometimes because it seems that I have the ability to influence policies worldwide. Businesses, Major Corporations, Social Networks, The Military, Individuals, Families, you get the point that none our immune to my influence whether direct or indirect. I can be very charismatic when I choose to be. However, I can also be as aggravating as I am charismatic if the mood strikes me. Now we've already covered the fact that certain weaker personalities will try very hard to imitate me in previous blogs. And we've also discussed how some stronger personalities will attempt to break me because they view me as some sort of threat to themselves. There is also that group that endeavors to change me for their own comfort because they misunderstand me. Very few people actually realize that the key to understanding me at all is truly 100% that I am that frighteningly simple. Recently someone thought that was just impossible and kept trying to read more into it until one day he looked at me and laughed and said "wow you really are that simple." I pride myself on keeping things black & white and as simple as possible.
So here is another shining example of how my influence is far reaching. Someone I was with actually is asking new interests what kind of music they listen to in an attempt to avoid my genre of preferred tunes. How fucking funny is that?? On another level, all of this past weeks drama has been caused by someone that is jealous because they aren't a part of my life and desperately wanted to gain my attention back. These are just 2 of the most recent examples. There are many many many more.
This blog is specifically for those individuals that just can't seem to get enough of the awesomeness that is me! You know your reading this blog right now just hoping that I mention you. Praying that I'll confess some sort of emotion towards you. You know your stalking this page, I know your stalking this page, just suck it up and send me an email ya coward! I'm not as mean as some would like to think, I most likely will email you something nice back.
For you, here are some tidbits about me that you can have:
I REALLY am a simple person, stop trying to overthink me!
I have Pink hair and 22 tattoos because it's an outward expression of my inward personality, not because it's "Cool". If anything it's a bitch being this expressive.
I will not leave the house if my nails are not perfectly polished!
I am obsessive about Music!
I do believe in true love despite recent events, I will always be a hopeless romantic.
Just because I don't believe in monogamy doesn't mean that I don't practice it.
I want an English Bulldog more than anything else in the world!!
I will text rather than call if given a choice, I hate talking on the phone.
Chain smoke when I'm writing.
Once I fall in love with someone it doesn't go away. If I loved you in my life there's a good chance that I still love you. My love has never been fickle.
I honestly, deep down in my very soul, without a doubt in my mind, do not care what you think of me nor do I care if you like me. If we are friends than I love you with all of my heart and you own a piece of me. But for the general population of the world, I don't care.
This amount of self confidence, self assurance, and lack of insecurity is honest and true. I really do believe in myself this much. Very few things will shake that and if they do it's just for a moment, then I discard it and move on.
Isn't much that ever affects or touches me.
Well faithful readers that's it for now. Don't forget the Party is Saturday!!
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