Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy your right to vote

I'm getting a little tired of the hypocrisy following the Occupy movement. I had some jackwagon try to block me from going into Chase bank in downtown Syracuse. Seriously?? I am the 99% asshole and I do not want you to speak for me if your going to block me from getting money out of my bank to get groceries for Ian. And no offense but Chase isn't the bank charging us for using our own accounts so go sit in front of Bank Of America (which isn't run by Americans). You sit there and point the finger at law enforcement for inciting violence during your "peaceful" protests but what of all the Anti-Semitic rhetoric you allowed? Is Jew hate okay for a peaceful protest? What of your protesters pushing and shoving police officers? Is that not violence? What of Scott Olsen being hurt in the oakland protest? You want to blame the police but the cold hard fact is that the police warned that crowd to settle down multiple times, protesters kept pushing and shoving them and the police yelled out a warning BEFORE firing that canister. It was an accident, do you understand that? It was an accident and guess what, when your egging on the police and creating chaos in hundreds of people, accidents happen. I'm not saying that all incidents have been accidents, yes there have been law enforcement and protesters both that have crossed the line. BOTH. It's not as one sided as you'd have the public believe. Your pissed because law enforcement and the judicial system have removed your right to camp in tent cities in parks and such. You defy the police and are forcibly removed from those areas, you block everyday people from going to work, getting home, using their bank. These people are your fellow 99%, they have to work to feed their families they are lucky enough to not be unemployed and have a job to go to. You want to stop them and what? Get them fired so they can sit in a park for 2 months? The police are trying to protect the citizens and make sure they have safe passage on city streets to work, banks and home. Do you understand that these aren't the 1% wealthy walking to work??? Your hurting your own people! That does not inspire me to support your cause. Your squatting in a public area, defecating and throwing your garbage on the ground to rot, there's no showers or place to wash your hands and then your allowing children and animals to protest with you in this cesspool. All in the name of financial equality. Here's my thought on this. You want the 1% to pay more taxes and be treated more fairly with us? Tell your Democrat President. The same Democrat that was supposed to change all of this according to his campaign promises, the same Democrat that is in Indonesia, planning another vacation to Bali, and telling a group that Americans have been "lazy". Your Government is the one controlling how the wealthy are taxed and generally they are taxed less the richer they are so that the government can insure contributions for their gratitude. Is that the wealthy's fault? No, it's the governments. Go protest them. Why are you attacking the wealthy? Because they were luckier/more educated/smarter than you? Not every wealthy person is a Madoff. Not every business is a Ponzi scheme. Some people are rich because they were smart or good at what they do, accept it because that's what this Country was based on. The idea that an individual can succeed no matter what their beginning circumstance. Work hard and get rewarded. So your pissed because you didn't get as rewarded as 1% of the population? Cry me a river because I'm guessing you have a bank account or a 401K or a retirement fund or health insurance. I don't have any of those things, does that mean that in comparison you are my 1% and I should hate you and protest you? Think about that.

You want to change how the wealthy are taxed. Here is an idea: Get your 100,000 protester's together and every single one of you write on letter. Just 1 letter per person to Congress. Congress can not deny 100,000 letters. They can't ignore it. You want change, make change. Pissing in a park is not going to make them listen to your plight people. Mail those 100,000 letters and exercise your right to vote in change. You voted on an empty campaign slogan for change last time, this time make sure there is true change to support your vote.

I'm not against protests, I fully support protesting an inequality. However, make sure your protest doesn't hurt the people you supposedly represent.

It's beautiful that are Democratic Nation can support protests, remember the soldiers that fought/fight for that right.

And because we live in a Democratic Nation I have this forum to voice my opinion, people around the world hear my one voice. God, I love my country!

Till Next Time Faithful Readers,