Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Saturday, November 27, 2010

You, Yes you there reading so intently. Today I speak only to you.

Hey! How's everything spinning in your world? I don't believe we have chatted in awhile so I want to take the time and catch up with you. See, I know that I write here every couple of days but mostly I'm writing about things happening in the Universe, little things that I notice or things that really irk me to no end, etc. And I know that your there reading it but it's just you reading and me writing, so I feel that we should connect together today in a more intimate way, you & I. Because let's be honest if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here in this little corner of the Cyberverse. There's a bunch of things I bet you don't know and that you'd never guess in a million years! For instance, Did you know that I think about you? Sure I do! I think about you all the time! I'm always wondering what you'd like me to write about. Or if I see something particularly funny, I giggle harder because I know that your going to giggle about it. There are certain things that I come across that I take very seriously and I write about them because I want you to stop and think about them too. Yes it's a place for me to write about my feelings, thoughts, musings however, I take it very seriously that at some point I may touch your life in some poignant way. You touch my life in a very poignant way just by reading this page as faithfully as you have been since I began blogging here a few months ago and even before that on Myspace. It honestly means the World to me just the thought that I can make you smile or that something I write will make you stop and ponder. There is one tiny favor that I will ask from you though. Because I put so much thought into you, I would honestly like to know who you are aside from the image I have in my head. Please if you would start leaving me comments, you don't actually have to be a member to comment on my blog, but I will ask if you please to include a name as it will just show up as "Anonymous" however if you don't feel comfortable I don't necessarily need a name, it would just be a bonus. But it's because I want to know YOU. You already know so much about me and I feel as if I know very little about you. I like you, very much! But as with everything I always hunger to know more! Too much is never enough, as my buddy Ryan says.

I'm not one of those blogs on here that has 151 followers officially listed, "Officially" I have 3, LOL. But I like to think of myself as an "indie blog". I'm more Cannes than Hollywood, but I like it that way because it keeps you and I closer. Not that I'm saying to not tell your friends to read my musings! Hell no!! Tell them to get on here right away and start reading damn it, what're you waiting for?? I like seeing my views number jump up because let's be honest with each other, I'm pretty self involved. But no matter how many views I have, it's still me writing just for you. Yep just you. When I sit down to write I have just you in mind, not 10,20,or 30 people. It's just you and I sitting down to have a chat. I write the same way that I speak, so I hope that every time you and I sit down together that you hear my high voice and the quick staccato cadence in my voice, my pauses and all the emotions that I put into this, my sadness, exasperation, my anger, my laughter. I hope that you are getting ALL of that. You and I are pretty close. Even if your down the block or on the other side of the world. Which segues nicely into my next point about you and I.

There are the "You's" out there that are reading me from Russia, Netherlands, France and Singapore. I have other countries also, but you 4 seem to be reading me regularly. Well I would like to first say "Thank You" it's just too cool in my mind that you and I are chatting regularly! It's beyond cool to me! Again though I would like to know more about you, please feel free to leave me a comment because I would like it very much.

Well Faithful Reader, It was a long night at work and I have some things to accomplish before crashing for the day, so as always,

Till next time,
Yours Always

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Touching up your kids school pictures and other CNN stories

I was actually going to write a cynical blog about the holidays until I saw a story on CNN about touching up your kids school pictures. Yep Yep, You now have the option to touch up the school photos of your children. Really?? Seriously?? How far are we as a society going to take this media driven need for physical perfection? News Flash World: NOBODY IS PERFECT!! Nor should they feel the need to be. Part of the fun of school pictures is remembering how goofy you were growing up! Of course I have 2 of the worst kids for that because it is a guarantee that if it's the first day of school or picture day, one or both will have a black eye or stitches. Guaranteed. I think maybe one year has passed that I've gotten pictures free of major injuries. There was a man that commented on this story on CNN that stated "I had major acne growing up and I wish they had the retouch option so I wouldn't have to be reminded of this." Well guess what sunshine, just because the picture doesn't show the acne doesn't erase it from yours or anyone else's memories. You still had the acne. What will our kids think if we are retouching their photos? Will they think that we are not satisfied with their looks, or that their physical aesthetic is less than pleasing to us as parents? Unbelievable amounts of shallow are represented by these assholes that choose to do this. If you choose this option have fun 10 years from now when your kid is on the Biggest Loser for eating their feelings of inexplicable failure and washing it down with 20 cheeseburgers.

Now their saying that scientists may have made a breakthrough discovery in a drug that erases memory. Many people commenting on this are bringing up the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind. I know of the movie but have never actually seen it. This whole story worries me. They are all ready stating that this drug would be used for people that have suffered traumatic events. But who decides an event is traumatic enough or has done enough damage to a person to warrant having their memory erased? And what consequences do we physically suffer from having this happen. If we forget our past how do we learn from it to keep it from repeating? And as individuals how will be held accountable for personal responsibility if we are allowed to erase past events? It's all very ethically questionable and I don't agree. Although I would be quite agreeable if they would use this new technology to erase stupid from people. Or if we can erase stuff from a persons mind, can we also theoretically add things? Like the common sense to shut your pie hole when feeling the need to spout some unintelligent nonsense? Or how about the ability to stop yourself from making an uninformed ignorant comment on a subject that you have no knowledge of. Ya know what if modern science could accomplish this I'm all for it!

Stay tuned Faithful Readers a scathing look at Holidays is up next!

Till next time,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Airport Security and the pesky protesters

I can only take partial credit for this blog as it was a request from my mom, Gale Ann. So let's talk about this new Airport security thing shall we? My dad was just on a rant about them patting down a gramma. And everyone is up in arms and protesting loudly about this new full body scan that their implementing in Airports everywhere. But my thought is, If you have nothing to hide and it doesn't take any longer than the old way then why bitch? I'd rather have 10 seconds of your privacy violated then blow up mid-flight asshole! I got news for you, terrorists don't wear name tags that say Hello My Name is Al-Quaeda! And hey guess what? Yep their finding terrorist sleeper cells and sympathizers all the time! So theoretically that little 90 year old Grandma may have a Muslim extremist for a grandkid that she feels is being wronged by the government and she's gonna make it right by blowing up a flight full of vacationers. Nope, no thanks. What's wrong with these people? Isn't the safety of our air travel more important as a Nation then offending 10 seconds of your delicate sensibilities? And ya know what, these bleeding heart liberal protesting fucks are the first ones to form a lynch mob for the government when we let a terrorist slip by and they blow something up. And ya know what else? Half of these loud mouth pesky protesters don't even fly regularly because if they did they'd realize that these new security measures actually make going through airport security faster and easier! Well hell dude, I fly about 6 times a year I'm all about easier. Not to mention the fact that if you get your ticket from a 3rd party website or someone buys your ticket for you, you automatically get a trip to the nazi security lane. I've been getting molested by TSA Security for years, trust me you get use to it. However I do believe as a courtesy the TSA should offer the option of choosing who your molester is. If I'm going to get molested 6 ways till Sunday I want the hot person not the creepy old fucker. Give me a choice man!!

To all you whiny, sissy, belly aching, crying, pesky protesters my answer is Don't fucking fly! If it bothers you that much, then simply don't fly. Take a bus, train, drive! But please don't fly because I'd rather know that my flight is safe from those pesky terrorist underwear bombs!

Till Next Time,

Sunday, November 21, 2010


[nahy-uh-liz-uhm, nee-] Show IPA
total rejection of established laws and institutions.
anarchy, terrorism, or other revolutionary activity.
total and absolute destructiveness, esp. toward the world at large and including oneself: the power-mad nihilism that marked Hitler's last years.
Philosophy .
an extreme form of skepticism: the denial of all real existence or the possibility of an objective basis for truth.
nothingness or nonexistence.
( sometimes initial capital letter ) the principles of a Russian revolutionary group, active in the latter half of the 19th century, holding that existing social and political institutions must be destroyed in order to clear the way for a new state of society and employing extreme measures, including terrorism and assassination.
annihilation of the self, or the individual consciousness, esp. as an aspect of mystical experience.
Search nihilism on the Web

Original ideas and the lack of them in modern cinema

I had a discussion with Ray, my tattoo guy when he was doing my Chaos & Candy ink. And I've recently had this same discussion with Dave and my mom, so now it's time to get it in a blog.

True Grit, Willy Wonka, Hellraiser, Nightmare on Elm St, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Dawn of the Dead, House on Haunted Hill, Hills have eyes, etc. The list goes on and on with remakes and soon to be remakes. Are you honestly telling me that with all the talented screenwriters, directors, producers that not one of them has an original idea for a movie? All the new books and not one merits a screenplay? If they can make a new chick flick every 30 seconds it seems then why can't someone come up with a new horror flick and stop remaking my favorite ones? Some of the remakes, I've truly enjoyed. Dawn of the Dead was a brilliant remake and it stayed pretty true to the original as did Hills Have Eyes. But others just piss me off till I'm in an indignant fury. I feel as if these remake assholes are dismissing the brilliance and creativity that went into the original films. They negate the originals by choosing to do it better. Speaking from a cinephile stand point, I do not want my movies remade better!! I like my movies the way they were originally made. Example of a remake that made me want to trek across the country to beat a remaker into a bloody mess. My Bloody Valentine was one of my favorite slasher flicks of all time. It really set a precedent in the genre. I mean that was the first time you saw a dismembered head in a clothes dryer! How fucking cool was that one scene! In the remake they changed the damn story line so that it was more "psychological". I don't want psychological I want bloody true to form slasher gore! And they took out the head in the dryer scene, WTF??? If your going to remake these awesome films please leave in the best gory scenes.

There are other films that I just plain out refuse to watch. They are remaking True Grit and Hellraiser. Anything that had The Duke in it should NEVER be remade, EVER!! John Wayne was a cinematic GOD! The people that thought it was okay to remake his greatest film should be boiled alive in hot oil. Hellraiser was mine. I had everyone of the movies, posters, the coat, mask, etc. Clive Barker is not only an excellent writer but an awesome director. Those movies are incredible! I will not watch the remakes of my favorite films especially not after the Charlie & the Chocolate Factory debacle. Tim Burton needs to be slapped for that.

I can understand remaking a film that's 50 years old. Well okay I can understand the thought pattern behind remaking a 50 year old film because of the new cinematic technology but i don't agree with it. If someone remade Metropolis I wouldn't watch it because the original silent movie is very poignant. But my question is why are they remaking movies that aren't even that old? Why remake a 15 year old movie? Why not remake something from 1934? Actually Hollywood, just stop stealing other peoples ideas and go get one of your own. I'm tired of you fucking up my movies.

Till next time faithful readers,

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Things that I've noticed that make me giggle and wonder?

I was just driving to the Rez to grab a carton of smokes and I noticed a couple things that made me giggle. Plus there's a couple of current events that have me scratching my head and wondering what the hell is going on in my little Universe.

Ok so driving downtown I noticed 3 traffic lights with signs on them that say "Wait for Green Light." I'm not kidding and I'm not making this up! Wait for the Green?? When did this become an option? When has it been okay to blow through a red light and then tell a cop that it didn't have a sign stating the obvious that you should've waited for the Green? It's been awhile since I've read the drivers manual but I keep up on current events and I don't remember them revoking the Red means stop law. Have people gotten so ignorant that now we have to put up Captain Obvious signs even on the traffic lights? I'm losing faith in humanity by the millisecond!

It's impossible to go the speed limit on the highway no matter what highway your on, it is a logistically impossible task. Which makes me wonder why people are getting pulled over by State Troopers all the time and then I realized it's a giant speed trap that you can not escape to generate revenue for the State. There is no human way possible to win this game so I urge each of you to stay off the highways! I'm not generally a Conspiracy Theorist but hear me out on this one and I think you'll agree my thinking isn't too far fetched. Say you have a highway that's 3 lanes. There's the far right slow lane for those fuckers that believe 55 mph translates to 35, Middle lane for the people theoretically trying to do the speed limit and the far left lane which is the passing/go faster than the assholes in the middle lane. We will leave the far right lane alone because they are doing 35 mph and we can't wait for them to stop bogging down traffic and catch up. Now the middle Do gooder lane. You technically can't go the speed limit in this lane because the guy in front of you is doing the posted speed limit, so unless your going to park your vehicle on top of his you have to speed up and pass this guy or your doing 5 miles under the speed limit. So now your in the 20 miles over the speed limit lane passing this guy but trying to keep up so as to not bog down traffic in the passing lane which translates to you going 75 mph instead of 55 mph. You've passed him now so you move back to the middle lane but because he's doing the posted limit you now have to do 5 mph over to stay ahead of him. You find your comfort zone at 60 mph until the Trooper up ahead clocks you and pulls you over. Now you have just generously donated $100 to your State, Congratulations it was very kind of you to be so thoughtful! See? Giant speed trap to generate revenue to the State!

On my drive to get smokes I did some thinking. Ya know it's not in my nature to just let things happen I either have to force it instead of waiting or I just go out and make it happen. Waiting for Nature to take it's course doesn't exist in my head at all. It either is or I will make it be is lmao! That being said I'm going to probably end up going Dave's route and telling the bartender before I tell the girl. I will explain that analogy at the end so that you get it. I started doing some serious introspective thinking on my drive and discovered a fatal flaw in my thought patterns. I think I fell victim to Societies standards and to fear of my own mortality. Subconsciously I felt the need to start dating because Societies Standards dictate that I should be married and have settled down by now. How many people do you know our age that are single and still partying like Rockstars? Not many. Almost everyone we know is settled and married with families and the whole 9 yards. And I believe as a generation we feel as if something is missing and a certain amount of guilt subconsciously because we haven't lived up to these out dated standards set for us by an out dated society. Also as we are getting older we are coming to realize that time is running pretty short. Which leads to a contemplation of our own mortality. No one wants do die alone so we find mates but everyone dies alone so it's all pretty futile if you ask me. It's a way to cheat ourselves into thinking that we are finding a way around this morbid little fact. We find mates and procreate to leave a piece of ourselves in the 'Verse so as to ensure our legacy will continue on. But call me selfish, I don't want a legacy I want to live forever! I think the world will be a crappy place with out my wit hanging around! With all that guilt of being single and 35, you find yourself compelled to go on a mate hunt. Unfortunately I put a LOT of thought into things so I end up sabotaging myself in my false pretense to settle down. I realize what I'm doing and my brain puts a screeching halt on all actions. Self realization is a bitch. I don't want to settle down, I don't want more kids, I don't want to get married, I don't want to buy a house with someone, I don't want to share my life period, end of discussion. I like my life a whole freakin lot. I like snagging one of my guy friends and trolling the bars making new friends, getting wasted and silly. I like chilling on my couch, watching my favorite tv shows or movies and not having to share my space constantly. I don't want to feel pressured into having to spend time with someone I don't want the pressure of always being nice and suppressing what I'm really thinking. And what I'm really fucking sick of is people trying to pretend that we have so much in common. Get your own fucking personality and stop trying to mimic mine. I don't want the stress of another's jealousies, insecurities, or disapproval. There's too much pressure and too may expectations involved so I'm not feeding any more into that situation. Going to take a hard right and extract myself from this crazy nonsense. In other words I'm letting things happen or letting them not happen according to Natures choice. Because as Dave just pointed out to me, what we want isn't exactly realistic. Doesn't stop us from looking for it but then again we are also convinced we will find Unicorns and Wee people. Half the fun of an adventure is the anticipation. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking the married, settled down people. and I'm not saying that I don't want a significant other (that's a fucked up, demeaning term isn't it?) What I am saying is that my list of requirements is unrealistic and impossible. and I've found myself settling because of an insane need to fit in to a place I will never fit in to no matter how hard I try. So I accept me and I'm okay with the me. I will continue to be Bex, I will make my own rules, Live by my standards, drink beers with Dave and go search for Leperachauns and the perfectly poured pint. I honestly believe that 99.9% of the reason you love me is because of my obstinate belief of nonconformity and individuality. Almost forgot! So Dave was on a mission to break up with Tree so he took her to the Pub to soften the blow. It's our process leave it alone. So they are at the pub drinking and Dave was trying to lead the conversation up to the break up stage, she had to use the restroom so Dave calls me up and gives me a heads up on the festivities. Tree came back to the bar and Dave flags the bartender and tells her to get Tree a drink because he just broke up with her! He forgot he said it bluntly to everyone else and forgot to tell her!! Hence the analogy from earlier, those of you that understand the underlaying meaning there will get a big laugh out of that, those of you that don't will not. Think I will be going to the Pub this week, lmao.

I was going to write a bit on peoples misconceptions about me from the past but I decided that I enjoy the misconceptions immensely!

Alright that's enough for now Faithful Readers,
Till next time,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

International readers, Dating sites, drug addicts, spell check and what's new in my life

I've had like 8 ideas for new blogs but my time has been taken up in the past week with a whole lot of new stuff. I apologize Faithful Readers, I promise not to leave you hanging again! I also would love to give a great big shout out to my International Readers! Love that you guys are reading my quirky little thoughts a whole world away and that you find me amusing. So LOTS of LOVE to Russia, Singapore, Denmark, France, Germany and The Netherlands!! Drop me a line guys and we shall chat! I did however notice that my International people fall off the grid when I talk about politics, you should read that stuff guys it's my best stuff!!

Dating Sites. Always swore I would never go on one but recently thought "Why not?" It's not like I don't pick my share of psycho's already. And at least on a dating site you can kinda screen the psycho's. Here are 2 things that I can't wrap my brain around about these sites. 1) If I wouldn't give you the time of day in the real world because your old enough to be my father and/or look at least 2nd generation inbred, why do you think it's okay to stalk me on a website and continually ask me out after I've shot you down multiple times already? I'll admit I'm new to this so that just might be dating site protocol, but no not so much. 2)Why does the site keep giving me "Scientific Matches" that have zero in common with me? I don't think I would have an enjoyable date with a 7ft Muslim non smoker, non drinker that listens to polka music and knits in his spare time. What Fucking Science are they using?? And how come that Science was never offered as a course in school? I do have to say that I've had some luck with the site, so we shall see.

Had to go for a drug test for my new job and at one point you have to lock all your loose stuff in this weird little lock box. On top of the box in great big red letters it says "Don not place drugs in box!" So of course I had to ask the girl if anyone ever actually brought drugs to the drug test and if they indeed tried to put them in the lock box. She started regaling me with drug addict stories! Couldn't believe it! Then I met a new friend who is a Corrections Officer (Quit laughing I did not meet him in jail!) Any way, he asked me if I use illegal substances. after answering I asked if anyone were actually dumb enough to answer yes knowing his occupation and ya know what, he said yes. Not gonna lie because it would be useless considering most of you know me, yes I've been known to do my fair share of recreational pharmaceuticals but never in all that time did it occur to me to bring my drugs to a drug test or to tell a Corrections Officer for the fuck of it. So I pose the question to you, are Drug addicts getting dumber?

Nothing drives me more insane on the Web then someone that can't spell. Yes I am picky about spelling, grammar and punctuation I always have been. But the thing that annoys me is that the computer your using an guaranteed the websites themselves all have Spell Check option. Hell even on here a little red line will magically appear should I misspell. World,here is my heart filled request to you: Use the FUCKING SPELL CHECK YOU LAZY SOD! Thank you. And one more thing. STOP spelling like you never went to school a day in your life! I hate it when people spell Phonetically, seriously?? Dictionary.com is free, there's an app for it and everything. It takes just as much time to be intelligent as it does to be stupid, all I'm asking for is a bit of effort here people. There's already enough stupidity in the Universe, ask yourself "do I really want to add the stupid cloud in the air?" Okay now I'm done.

You've already gotten the hint that I'm dating again. No I'm not sure why I'm doing it other than it seemed like a fun idea at the time. Yes I realize that I fail at dating in a very epic way every time but hell it's amusing me and I always like new people in my life, they are fun to play with. I also started a new job and there are a couple funny points to that. I went into the interview kind of half assed because all I wanted was a part time stock person job, well half way through they informed me that they would not hire me for that position. Instead I walked out the new Storeroom/Inventory Manager. Now that's twice I've gone for the bullshit job and ended up in charge, Damn it how the hell do you get the job with the least amount of responsibility? Now here's the funny part. Everyone that I talked to was being a bit vague on my job description and/or duties, so last night I asked the other Manager. Evidently my position is a real management position however, they've never filled it before so no one knows what my job is. I have a position with no description, I find that very fitting to my whole life. For the next few weeks I'm just a stock person with a cool title. It is going well though, I like it so far. Working 3rd shift nights has advantages, no uniform, no people and I can listen to my iPod. I like this job! It is however kicking my ass. Didn't realize how woefully out of shape I was. next few weeks of doing this is gonna get me right back into fighting condition. Lol, why pay to join a gym when I can get a job! And I'm enjoying being out of the house. Don't get me wrong, taking the summer off was worth it and I had a blast but I've gotten really bored in the past month or so. Time to make changes.

I was just texting Dave and his shoe laces broke. He made a comment about putting it in the blog because of all the other topics I was hitting on. I just got home from work, I'm beat. So he mentions the laces breaking and the first thing I thought of was "Dave's broken shoe laces, coincidence or metaphor for a broken life?" his answer was "Difficulties knot tying or deep seated commitment issues?" I find it hilarious that neither one of us just went with damn the shoe lace broke period end of story. No we went the complicated, this is a sign from God route. It's a fucking shoe lace for god's sake! I'm amused at our ability to read into anything. Given his current state of four corner drama though it's not surprising that we would see strange goings on in the most mundane of mishaps.

Well Faithful Readers I hope that you've enjoyed this exhausted rambling of mine, cause I know I have.

Till next time,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Puppies, kittens, politics and protesters

Puppies and Kittens. Ha I got your attention!! Why is it all you have to do is say "Puppies and kittens" and you have everyones attention? What is it about puppies and kittens that pull us in every time? Well while your here...

I fully planned to watch the interview between President Bush and Matt Lauer last night with the sole intention of finding something in there to catch my interest and blog about. However my Verizon Fios disagreed with me and I only caught the last 15 minutes of it. Don't get me wrong I like President Bush, I feel bad for the dude because his presidency was laced with issues. Murphy really had a way with that dude! Think of all the tragic shit that happened that he had to deal with, I'm telling ya I would've hit under the bed and cried lol! Say what you will about President Bush but that guy had a pretty hard go of it.

Something funny I've noticed about Presidents. Every President we have does something wrong or has a jacked up situation hit them in the face and people are ready to lynch them. Very few people actually look at the "Big Picture" long enough to realize that a lot of times they are doing the best they can. It's never just the President, and people don't stop to think about that. They have advisors, Intelligence people, Military people, Senators, Congressman, and a slew of other people. Presidents don't just pull shit out of thin air and say "poof so shall it be." there are tons of people involved. True he is the one to make the final decision, that's his job, but I think people need to stop and consider how our government works before they lynch a President.

The other thing I've noticed is that the ones with the biggest opinions are the ones that have no working knowledge of our government, a half assed knowledge of current events and they DON'T vote!! And the most tragic part is that hey are okay with it. I can not tolerate or fathom that amount of irresponsibility. You can't bitch about policies that are passed or not passed if you didn't stand up and vote for what you believe in.

I have a friend that has no knowledge of the government, doesn't follow the news and doesn't vote. Their excuse is the news is too hard to understand and so is politics. This friend is pretty young, in their 20's. Imagine what kind of difference we as a people could make if this demographic would just take the initiative and vote. We could make one hell of a radical change in our government that's for damn sure. In fact I will bet you right now that I lost half the people reading this blog in the first paragraph just because it was about politics. It makes me sad that people will forfeit their right to vote and then bitch about how the government is taking over our rights and blah blah blah. Guess what, your helping them take over because your not standing up to vote for your rights. It disgusts me that people can spend hours upon hours online playing games but can't take 10 minutes to educate themselves on current events or take the 10 minutes to go and cast a vote.

Something came across my path this week that bothered me immensely on many levels. Sgt. First Class C.J. Sadell died from injuries suffered in an attack in Afghanistan. The pastor and his followers from Westboro Baptist church in Kansas planned a protest during his funeral in Missouri. These protesters are assembling at Soldiers funerals all over the country to voice their opinion that the soldiers deserved to die because our country supports homosexuality. I'm glad to report that the family and supporters of our fallen soldier rallied together and blocked the protesters and sent them packing on home!

Here are the two things that bothered me about this story. First, that anyone would ever even consider to protest at a Soldiers funeral or at any funeral for that matter. That is the epitome of disrespect and I'm appalled that anyone would even think to do this. It quite literally makes me sick to my stomach that these people think it's okay to put a family through that kind of pain as they are mourning the loss of a loved one! My personal opinion is that these people should be beaten to a bloody mess for their transgressions against a soldier and their family!

Now here's where your going to be mad at me but I'm asking you to listen to what I have to say and consider it fully before you react. On CNN I heard the newscasters say that the Westboro Protesters were saying that they had a right to protest according to their First Amendment Rights. The newscaster then said " I don't think this is what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the first Amendment." and he then went on to say how it upset him that the protesters were planning this. Okay well the truth is that we don't know what the Founding Fathers had on their mind when they wrote anything. But they wrote it and it's our law. If we agree or not these people DO have the right to protest and voice their opinion. It's not our place to say who's opinion is right or wrong, we can't let the 1st Amendment work for some but not for others because that is censorship pure and simple and it's wrong. I don't agree with these protesters but they have the right to voice their opinions just as I have the right to voice my opinion in this blog. They have these rights because we are Americans and we are free. Freedom isn't free otherwise Sgt. First Class C.J. Sadell would still be alive with his friends and family. Even if the ignorant bastards that are protesting don't realize this and appreciate it, I do.

So I say Thank You to every soldier, each one of my Brothers and sisters, fallen or not, because of them I'm free to say what I will and do as I wish. Think about this every time you voice an opinion and say a quiet Thank You to them because you have that right.

Till next time,

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Our Governments first steps towards Totalitarianism

This whole thing about San Francisco and the ban on Happy Meal Toys has gotten my mind spinning. I was just talking to Dave about this.

The fact that local Governments are stepping in to dictate what comes in a Happy Meal is frightening because it's the first steps towards a nightmare future. As a Democratic society we vote on the rules of our nation. When a government steps in and takes that choice away from the people, no matter how miniscule it may seem at the time, its the first steps towards a totalitarian society much like what was envisioned in Orwell's 1984. It begins with just one small decision to ban something from a local government but where will it end? Will it end there or will we continue to allow our government to dictate more things to us? Will we allow them to tell us that we are unable to choose for ourselves what foods we can purchase, what restaurants will have a government sanction, what is acceptable to drink? But will it stop there? Will we be forced into other dictations because our Government deems us unable to choose for ourselves?

This is a frightening path of possibilities. Are we as people going to allow this to happen, are we going to allow more and more of our rights to be stripped away until we are no longer a Democracy? Think very hard about these small seemingly amusing stories in the news because they are showing us a trend that has already begun. Will we as a people have the power to stand up and put a stop to it, is the question.


Happy Meals and Sarah Palin

It's been awhile since I last blogged mostly because nothing really caught my attention recently. That is until yesterday.

San Francisco put a ban on toys offered at fast food restaurants where the kid's meals have more than 600 calories. But it's not the first place to do this, Santa Clara County also banned the toys in these meals this past spring. Their theory is that if you take the toys out of these meals it will not persuade the child to get the rather unhealthy meal. A Happy Meal with a burger, fries, and small drink is 640 calories and that is almost half the daily caloric intake for the average 8 year old. Now I have 2 points of contention on their actions. First, why is it okay for a branch of government to dictate what comes in my kid's meals. Isn't that suppose to be the parents job? Child obesity is a direct result of bad parenting and pure 100% laziness. C'mon we as a people are not so ignorant to think that meals from McDonalds are actually healthy! If you claim that fast food got you fat you should be shot in the head or at the very least not ever allowed to breed. Parents that feed their children nothing but fast food should have penalties placed on them but parents that teach their kids that things like fast foods and snacks are treats for use only occasionally should not have their children punished by taking the toy away. Second point, Do they honestly believe that taking the toy away is going to make these kids ask for the apple slices and milk instead of fries and a soda? I asked my son Ian this question and he laughed at me. Here was his answer "If you got me the apples and milk instead the normal meal I would ask you what I did to get punished." Good answer huh? Kids want burgers and fries. Who doesn't occasionally like Burgers and fries? The key word is "OCCASIONALLY", you can not use these fast food joints as daily sustenance. I am terrified as a member of a democratic society that because people are making poor individual choices that the Government will have to step in and start making my choices for me. This is continually happening. Look at the Soda Tax they wanted to inflict upon us here in NY. I refuse to pay a tax on something because some fat ass believes it's ok to wash down that McDonalds meal with a soda. I very rarely drink soda! Why should I be punished when I buy one 12oz soda that lasts me 2 days? If they really insist on these measures then here is my solution. Scales in stores and fast food joints. If you get on that scale and your obese then you get taxed extra if your kid gets on that scale and they are obese no toy, fries or soda for them AND the parent gets taxed for being an asshole. You have all heard me say this a million times so here is time million and one: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! YOU are personally responsible for the children YOU brought into this world, YOU are personally responsible for YOUR health. Don't blame the restaurants you weak minded fool! The CEO of McDonalds isn't taping your kid to a chair forcing cheeseburgers down their throat, YOU took them there, YOU ordered the food, YOU let them eat it and YOU taught them these deplorable eating habits! It's just as easy to go home and make a low fat wrap or sandwich. These days with all the food alternatives and support groups out there there is no reason for this to be an issue except pure 100% laziness. Good old fashioned exercise and good eating habits get the job done.

Sarah Palin. I could write novels based on this woman for the rest of my life. She is a satirists political wet dream. Earlier this week there was a blurb on Yahoo News about how the GOP's main agenda was to get rid of Sarah Palin, I wonder if now that Carl Paladino is free if they will hire him to "take her out"! I say let her hang around because she is always good for a laugh. On the TLC Network she has an 8 week tv special coming up called "Sarah Palin's Alaska" I wonder if she will show us Russia from her backyard? During the commercials for this show she is seen hiking mountains, dog sledding, skinning fish, NOT getting eaten by a bear while fishing and then it cuts to her in front of the camera and she says "This is where I want to be outdoors, free to adventure not in a stuffy old political office." THANK FUCKING GOD!!! Sarah finally came to her damn senses! She has become the worst example of Reality Star yet. Her kid Bristol is always in the news for something stupid or on Dancing With the Stars, her baby daddy Levi is now on every Hollywood invitation, now she, Sarah, is on a reality show about Alaska. Really?? Seriously?? Who are these people? Then today on CNN they did a poll on who you'd like to see run for President in the 2012 elections. Guess who was in the top 5? Yep you got it, Mrs. Palin! Who the hell did that poll, deaf mutes? I think we should just set Sarah up as host of her own show on CNN, it gives all the comedy people time to hear her say dumb things and our Government will be safe from her. C'mon Spitzer got his own show and all he did was diddle a hooker, he was actually a decent politician. Sarah is a hot mess, protect the United States Government and give her a damn show. Let's see if we can't get a second season out of that TLC special if anything to give that bear a second chance at eating the goofy broad.

Till next time faithful readers,