Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Touching up your kids school pictures and other CNN stories

I was actually going to write a cynical blog about the holidays until I saw a story on CNN about touching up your kids school pictures. Yep Yep, You now have the option to touch up the school photos of your children. Really?? Seriously?? How far are we as a society going to take this media driven need for physical perfection? News Flash World: NOBODY IS PERFECT!! Nor should they feel the need to be. Part of the fun of school pictures is remembering how goofy you were growing up! Of course I have 2 of the worst kids for that because it is a guarantee that if it's the first day of school or picture day, one or both will have a black eye or stitches. Guaranteed. I think maybe one year has passed that I've gotten pictures free of major injuries. There was a man that commented on this story on CNN that stated "I had major acne growing up and I wish they had the retouch option so I wouldn't have to be reminded of this." Well guess what sunshine, just because the picture doesn't show the acne doesn't erase it from yours or anyone else's memories. You still had the acne. What will our kids think if we are retouching their photos? Will they think that we are not satisfied with their looks, or that their physical aesthetic is less than pleasing to us as parents? Unbelievable amounts of shallow are represented by these assholes that choose to do this. If you choose this option have fun 10 years from now when your kid is on the Biggest Loser for eating their feelings of inexplicable failure and washing it down with 20 cheeseburgers.

Now their saying that scientists may have made a breakthrough discovery in a drug that erases memory. Many people commenting on this are bringing up the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind. I know of the movie but have never actually seen it. This whole story worries me. They are all ready stating that this drug would be used for people that have suffered traumatic events. But who decides an event is traumatic enough or has done enough damage to a person to warrant having their memory erased? And what consequences do we physically suffer from having this happen. If we forget our past how do we learn from it to keep it from repeating? And as individuals how will be held accountable for personal responsibility if we are allowed to erase past events? It's all very ethically questionable and I don't agree. Although I would be quite agreeable if they would use this new technology to erase stupid from people. Or if we can erase stuff from a persons mind, can we also theoretically add things? Like the common sense to shut your pie hole when feeling the need to spout some unintelligent nonsense? Or how about the ability to stop yourself from making an uninformed ignorant comment on a subject that you have no knowledge of. Ya know what if modern science could accomplish this I'm all for it!

Stay tuned Faithful Readers a scathing look at Holidays is up next!

Till next time,

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