Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Puppies, kittens, politics and protesters

Puppies and Kittens. Ha I got your attention!! Why is it all you have to do is say "Puppies and kittens" and you have everyones attention? What is it about puppies and kittens that pull us in every time? Well while your here...

I fully planned to watch the interview between President Bush and Matt Lauer last night with the sole intention of finding something in there to catch my interest and blog about. However my Verizon Fios disagreed with me and I only caught the last 15 minutes of it. Don't get me wrong I like President Bush, I feel bad for the dude because his presidency was laced with issues. Murphy really had a way with that dude! Think of all the tragic shit that happened that he had to deal with, I'm telling ya I would've hit under the bed and cried lol! Say what you will about President Bush but that guy had a pretty hard go of it.

Something funny I've noticed about Presidents. Every President we have does something wrong or has a jacked up situation hit them in the face and people are ready to lynch them. Very few people actually look at the "Big Picture" long enough to realize that a lot of times they are doing the best they can. It's never just the President, and people don't stop to think about that. They have advisors, Intelligence people, Military people, Senators, Congressman, and a slew of other people. Presidents don't just pull shit out of thin air and say "poof so shall it be." there are tons of people involved. True he is the one to make the final decision, that's his job, but I think people need to stop and consider how our government works before they lynch a President.

The other thing I've noticed is that the ones with the biggest opinions are the ones that have no working knowledge of our government, a half assed knowledge of current events and they DON'T vote!! And the most tragic part is that hey are okay with it. I can not tolerate or fathom that amount of irresponsibility. You can't bitch about policies that are passed or not passed if you didn't stand up and vote for what you believe in.

I have a friend that has no knowledge of the government, doesn't follow the news and doesn't vote. Their excuse is the news is too hard to understand and so is politics. This friend is pretty young, in their 20's. Imagine what kind of difference we as a people could make if this demographic would just take the initiative and vote. We could make one hell of a radical change in our government that's for damn sure. In fact I will bet you right now that I lost half the people reading this blog in the first paragraph just because it was about politics. It makes me sad that people will forfeit their right to vote and then bitch about how the government is taking over our rights and blah blah blah. Guess what, your helping them take over because your not standing up to vote for your rights. It disgusts me that people can spend hours upon hours online playing games but can't take 10 minutes to educate themselves on current events or take the 10 minutes to go and cast a vote.

Something came across my path this week that bothered me immensely on many levels. Sgt. First Class C.J. Sadell died from injuries suffered in an attack in Afghanistan. The pastor and his followers from Westboro Baptist church in Kansas planned a protest during his funeral in Missouri. These protesters are assembling at Soldiers funerals all over the country to voice their opinion that the soldiers deserved to die because our country supports homosexuality. I'm glad to report that the family and supporters of our fallen soldier rallied together and blocked the protesters and sent them packing on home!

Here are the two things that bothered me about this story. First, that anyone would ever even consider to protest at a Soldiers funeral or at any funeral for that matter. That is the epitome of disrespect and I'm appalled that anyone would even think to do this. It quite literally makes me sick to my stomach that these people think it's okay to put a family through that kind of pain as they are mourning the loss of a loved one! My personal opinion is that these people should be beaten to a bloody mess for their transgressions against a soldier and their family!

Now here's where your going to be mad at me but I'm asking you to listen to what I have to say and consider it fully before you react. On CNN I heard the newscasters say that the Westboro Protesters were saying that they had a right to protest according to their First Amendment Rights. The newscaster then said " I don't think this is what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the first Amendment." and he then went on to say how it upset him that the protesters were planning this. Okay well the truth is that we don't know what the Founding Fathers had on their mind when they wrote anything. But they wrote it and it's our law. If we agree or not these people DO have the right to protest and voice their opinion. It's not our place to say who's opinion is right or wrong, we can't let the 1st Amendment work for some but not for others because that is censorship pure and simple and it's wrong. I don't agree with these protesters but they have the right to voice their opinions just as I have the right to voice my opinion in this blog. They have these rights because we are Americans and we are free. Freedom isn't free otherwise Sgt. First Class C.J. Sadell would still be alive with his friends and family. Even if the ignorant bastards that are protesting don't realize this and appreciate it, I do.

So I say Thank You to every soldier, each one of my Brothers and sisters, fallen or not, because of them I'm free to say what I will and do as I wish. Think about this every time you voice an opinion and say a quiet Thank You to them because you have that right.

Till next time,

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