Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Friday, May 13, 2011


Just when I have an abundance of things to get off my mind, doesn't the damn blog site crash!!

"What is real to me is not always real to you but do not negate it instead try to understand it and embrace the differences between us." Bex

Wrote that on Facebook yesterday. Mostly because it annoy's me that my boyfriend and I are so insanely different when it comes to how we react to things. He's the rational one where as I am the emotional one. I think it's important to at least attempt to see it from each others point of view. Even though it's not in your nature to see things from an emotional or a rational perspective you have to at least attempt to understand the other point of view or else your just constantly negating how the other person feels. I understand his point of view as far as yes I am an emotionally sensitive person, I tend to overreact. But in the same turn if you know that I'm over sensitive and tend to overreact, common sense would dictate that you attempt to not do/say things that are going to hurt me.

Look, you'd be pissed if you bought a box of 64 crayons and opened them up to find that they are all the same color, right? Or if you bought a big bag of Skittles only to find it's all the same flavor. It's the same concept with people, we are all different, we see things differently, react to things differently and experience things differently. If we were all the same than life would be pretty bland. So just as you expect to open those crayons and skittles to find an assortment so should expect to open relationships to find an assortment. An assortment of different perspectives. None of them right or wrong, just different than yours. My way of looking at it is this; I don't want you to agree with me all the time, I don't want us to have every little thing in common because honestly there are times when I don't like me so you shouldn't like me all the time either, lol. However don't negate how I feel about things because that just makes me angry and hostile. Don't belittle how I feel instead just try to see things as I see them. If I'm considerate enough to do things for you than return that consideration in kind. In other words stop thinking one sided.

Now do I believe that any of this will make a difference in my situation? No. I don't see there being any kind of effort made. But hey sometimes even I get surprised, so ya never know.

No Faithful Readers, this one is for you. Take these thoughts away with you and I hope this serves you well in your relationships. Love to all of you out there in the Universe!

Till Next Time Faithful Readers,
All my unrequited love to you,

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