Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hhhhmmm, a little sparkly optimism for you in a bleak world.

I'm a fairly intelligent, intuitive, empathic person but WOW I astound myself sometimes with how completely oblivious I can be. Sometimes I have these little epiphany's about myself. And yeah, I can be completely ignorant of anything happening around me or get so lost in my own head with my own take on things that I don't notice what's going on for real around me. Funny, huh? Then comes the inevitable crash back to reality usually brought on by someone saying something and I'm standing there going "Wait, What, What just happened????" That being said, I have a good life. I'm happy. Sure I could use some more cash and it'd be nice to be able to do more things or travel more but there's always more things that you wish you could do. I have 2 good son's, a pretty little apartment, good family, some truly fantastic friends and a wonderful man that is beyond words. I'm a lucky girl to be happy with my life so often throughout it. Really there have only been a handful of times that my life has made me unhappy and it's usually due to some major catastrophic event. But every step on this path is an adventure and a lesson, you can't just take the good and ignore the bad, you have to learn from it or your doomed to repeat it. I'm glad that my path has taken me to such unexpected places, if it hadn't than I wouldn't be here today with you Faithful Readers!

Coca Cola turns 125 years old this year, The only things older in this country are now Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney

Allot of attention being given to Cyber Bullying or as I like to call it Farmville!

7 yr old climbs OVER the fence and into a Leopard enclosure, bystanders interfered with "Survival of the Fittest" and the kid is okay. I don't think this should be considered an "attack" it's a leopard, it did what leopards do it tried to eat a small animal that was dumb enough to crawl into it's area. Seriously, we went through this with the tiger attack in California. Don't punish a wild animal for acting like a wild animal. Punish the damn zoologists their the ones that brought the animals to live in these zoos, it's not like wild animals are lining up in the wild going "ooo, pick me pick me I want to live on damp cement and be exposed to constant harrassment and fatty human foods that will eventually kill me, pick me pick me!!!" Yep, no.

LMFAO, "Okay 2 Muslims get on a plane..." Too soon?? Nope it's a real story! 2 Muslims were on a flight and all the other passengers felt uncomfortable so the Airline REMOVED them from the flight. Guess where they were flying too?? A Conference on prejudices and discrimination against Muslims!!! LMFAO!!! Aawww jeez I love it when a story doesn't even have to be touched and it's to die for hilarious!!

Till Next Time Faithful Readers,


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