Welcome to the 7th level of Hell!!

This is a spot for my thoughts, musings, observations. If your offended by my words than please feel free to never visit again. However if you enjoy the strange happenings of my life and weird way my mind works I personally invite with a warm little cyber hug to join me again and again on my journey!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Crushed to pissed, the world kept spinning

I've had a nap after some cold medicine mixed with Bud light (you should try that, it's fun)and I've talked with both Joe and Garcia. And I've had time to think about it. I'm pissed off now. still hurt but mostly pissed off. See, Frank's most current ex had a male friend that she had a past with and she confessed that she had feelings for this other dude. So I got ditched because he "didn't want to be in that situation again" but how is it the same situation? Because I have a guy friend that had feelings for me, 1500 miles away? How are his emotions under my control? I could've controlled my contact with him had I known it was an issue but it wasn't an issue till after I was dumped and Frank was looking for a bullshit reason. That's right I'm calling the "Bullshit Flag" on this one. I'm saying this was all one great big fucking lie. You can't go from fine one day to dumping someone over something they can't control the next. Now I'm pissed because I feel I've been lied to. The whole relationship was a lie, everything he ever said was a lie. "I can love you like no other man." Wow you proved that because you loved me right into a shattered heart dude. Nice. Glad no other man has loved me like that before. He promised forever and I get the first week in October, wtf? That was a short ass forever! Think maybe that one was just a wording thing though cuz you can't tell someone you'll love them for a month and get quite the same effect. Now let's look at the damage you just did to my kids and yours. Over some bullshit, your that quick to hurt them. Joe and garcia are right. You don't deserve me. You are not honorable enough, loyal enough, or strong enough for me. You are not fit to lick my boot heel on your finest fucking day. You say you loved me, I say you have no real true concept of the emotion. I deserve a love that consumes, fierce and fiery and is as strong as I am. I deserve a man as strong and fierce as me that will be my equal, my partner. I'm hurting now but it won't take me long to regroup and come back ten times better thanks to this little experience. And ya know my usual procedure is to destroy the persons life that hurt me but this time I'm going to let it go because you are not even worth that amount of energy from me. However I will put this into the universe, You will be alone in this world never finding what your looking for only a faint ghost of the life you search for will be what you find. And everytime you fail to find what your looking for, everytime it fails in your face I want you to think of me. I'll get what I want, you will not.

Till next time faithful readers (promise next time we will be back to our regularly scheduled chaos :)


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